Musix GNU+Linux 3.0 RC1 released!

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The development team of Musix GNU+Linux is proud to present version 3.0 Release Candidate 1 after 11 months of work since the last version 3.0 Beta, and after 4 years since the last stable version 2.0. The installable Live DVD/USB RC1 was released to get reports from users but it’s almost a final release. We updated more than 300 programs from Debian Wheezy, re-installed kde-full, Rakarrack, Jamin, Blender and various other programs for artistic creation. MusixControl works only in terminal. Icewm desktop, KDE and Lxde are tailored to activities (office, audio, MIDI, graphics, etc.) The Kernel 3.4.14-gnu-RT23 is 100% free as well as all software in Musix and operates in real time for audio and music apps.


Special mention to the developers Ariel Errera , Carlos Sanchiavedraz , Gilberto Borges , Daniel Vidal , Javier Llorente , Pablo Sastre , Pablo Lozano , Jose Vazquez Viader , Suso Comesaña , Mariano Ibaldi , Claudio Caldas , Martin Carr and Jacobo Najera (sorry if forget someone) to have accompanied the project during this 2013 even with wide swings and the low availability of free time.

Musix GNU+Linux 3.0 is based on Debian GNU/Linux 7.2 «Wheezy»

Some useful information:

User: user

Pass: live

* We recommend IceWM or KDE desktops.

* site is only an archive of past versions, our new site is


* If you are new to music/audio on GNU+Linux, we recommend opening any of the .starter demos in the folder /home/user/demos/starters/ (right click from the file browser, Open With -> musixstarter)

* We recommend UNetbootin to create a Live USB.

More info and downloads:

Forum: (english and spanish)

Mailing list:

Known bugs:

There are some annoying bugs that dont prevent use Musix at its true potential, these are: KDE warning about the loss of avant-window-navigator, the demos do not work from the LXDE menu because musixstarter not find the file «~ /. jackdrc «, KDE doesnt launch a network manager (nm-applet) at the start by default but is installed on the system, sudo does not work for graphic apps into Xorg (xhost +local:root), and some icons such as audacious2.desktop are ‘broken’: all these bugs were easily corrected for the next RC2 version that will be published soon. We hope you can find some more bugs and report, thanks.


(you can allways boot in English)

SAM_4844 SAM_4843 SAM_4842

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24 comentarios en “Musix GNU+Linux 3.0 RC1 released!

  1. Excelente distribución que estamos probando con nuestro LUG llamado MoSoL para luego poder usar junto con Radit y su automatización radial.

    Saludos y muchas gracias por esta distro tan potente.

    • Eze: gracias por tu ánimo, nos interesa mucho todo lo que sea radio en Musix, recuerdo que en una época habíamos experimentado algo con rivendell y otras apps; no entiendo por qué no está en debian rivendell ahora, tampoco encuentro radit en debian, pero veo que está para ubuntu lucid

      ya nos dirás; por favor subscríbanse a la lista de mail de musix para mejorar estos aspectos, saludos

  2. meinerHeld dijo:

    So great, thank you for all of your hard work! As one who is about to dump Windows and go Freee, I take it that unless games I love to play specifically say they work with GNU/Linux, they won’t work. True?

    • You can run some of them with good performance with «wine», and then there are other commercial solutions and distributions aimed specific at gamers. I know that Steam is pushing forward bringing and developing games for Linux, and it seems they are making it their platform of choice. Maybe this could change for better the neglected situation of Linux in the gaming world.
      I encourage you to join our users list.
      Thanks for your comment, meinerHeld.

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