Better patching API for RavenDB: Creating New Documents

time to read 2 min | 329 words

A while ago we introduced the ability to send js scripts to RavenDB for server side execution. And we have just recently completed a nice improvement on that feature, the ability to create new documents from existing ones.

Here is how it works:

                                     new IndexQuery {Query = "Exported:false"},
                                     new ScriptedPatchRequest { Script = script }

Where the script looks like this:

for(var i = 0; i < this.Comments.length; i++ ) {
   PutDocument('comments/', {
    Title: this.Comments[i].Title,
    User: this.Comments[i].User.Name,
    By: this.Comments[i].User.Id

this.Export = true;

This will create a set of documents for each of the embedded documents.