OpenSSL Program 文档

对称算法使用一个密钥。给定一个明文和一个密钥,加密产生密文,其长度和明文大致相同。解密时,使用读密钥与加密密钥相同。 openssl是一个功能丰富且自包含的开源安全工具箱。它提供的主要功能有:SSL协议实现(包括SSLv2、SSLv3和TLSv1)、大量软算法(对称/非对称/摘要)、大数运算、非对称算法密钥生成、ASN.1编解码库、证书请求(PKCS10)编解码、数字证书编解码、CRL编解码、OCSP协议、数字证书验证、PKCS7标准实现和PKCS12个人数字证书格式实现等功能。 openssl采用C语言作为开发语言,这使得它具有优秀的跨平台性能。openssl支持Linux、UNIX、windows、Mac等平台。openssl目前最新的版本是0.9.8e.

lucy_gsh 2015-02-27   3753   0

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide 文档

This authoritative study guide, including 250+ practice questions, will help you prepare for the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE exam

silentboy 2015-02-21   313   0

Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition 文档

This third edition covers Java 1.4 and contains 193 complete, practical examples: over 21,900 lines of densely commented, professionally written Java code, covering 20 distinct client-side and server-side APIs. It includes new chapters on the Java Sound API and the New I/O API. The chapters on XML and servlets have been rewritten to cover the latest versions of the specifications and to demonstrate best practices for Java 1.4. New and updated examples throughout the book demonstrate many other new Java features and APIs.

silentboy 2015-02-21   3235   0

Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine 文档

This book is a valuable reference for learning about regular expressions in Java, and focuses on the use of regular expressions in the Java language.

silentboy 2015-02-21   1410   0

Java 2 Primer Plus 文档

Java Primer Plus guides the reader through the Java programming language from the basic concepts (basic syntax, variable, literals, operators, loops, conditional statements, etc.) through advanced topics (RMI, JDBC, Network socket programming, etc.). It provides a deep explanation of Java programming concepts and technologies using classroom tested and proven techniques. What makes this book unique is that it spends the last part showing the reader how to integrate Java technologies into everyday Web related practices and with other technologies.

silentboy 2015-02-21   4077   0

Java Enterprise in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition 文档

Nothing is as constant as change, and this is as true in enterprise computing as anywhere else. With the recent release of Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4, developers are being called on to add even greater, more complex levels of interconnectivity to their applications.<br> To do this, Java developers today need a clear understanding of how to apply the new APIs, use the latest open source Java tools, and learn the capabilities and pitfalls in Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 -- so they can plan a technology and implementation strategy for new enterprise projects.

silentboy 2015-02-21   1829   0

Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine 文档

This book is a valuable reference for learning about regular expressions in Java, and focuses on the use of regular expressions in the Java language.

silentboy 2015-02-21   1224   0

Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages: Volume 1: Core Technologies, 2nd Edition 文档

The J2EE Platform has become the technology of choice for developing professional e-commerce applications, interactive Web sites, and Web-enabled applications and services. Servlet and JSP(TM) technology is the foundation of this platform: it provides the link between Web clients and server-side applications. In this 2nd edition of the worldwide bestseller, the authors show you how to apply the latest servlet and JSP capabilities. Unlike other books that treat servlet or JSP technology in isolation, Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages provides a unified treatment, showing you when servlet technology is best, when the JSP approach is preferred, and when (and how) servlets and JSP should work together.

silentboy 2015-02-21   2503   0

Jakarta Struts Cookbook 文档

The Jakarta Struts Cookbook is an amazing collection of code solutions to common--and uncommon--problems encountered when building web applications with the Struts Framework. With solutions to real-world problems just a few page flips away, this quick, look-up reference is perfect for independent developers, large development teams, and everyone in between who wishes to use the Struts Framework to its fullest potential.

silentboy 2015-02-21   1634   0

Building J2EE Applications with the Rational Unified Process 文档

Two of the most significant technological development trends of the past few years have been the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), a platform specifically geared to the needs of enterprise systems, and the Rational Unified Process (RUP), a comprehensive development methodology.<br> Building J2EE(TM) Applications with the Rational Unified Process is the first book to bring these two key development concepts together. Featuring a non-trivial sample application, the book demonstrates a customized subset of RUP that is relevant and essential to J2EE development. The text guides readers through the entire development process, from initial requirements gathering through system implementation, illuminating real-world intricacies, complications, tradeoffs, and decision making.

silentboy 2015-02-21   338   0

JSP and XML Integrating XML and Web Services in Your JSP Application 文档

The first Internet revolution was all about delivering information to people. We are now in the second revolution, which focuses on delivering information to systems. XML is the tool that makes this new revolution a reality, and Web services are the methods by which businesses will drive system-to-system communication. JSP(TM) and XML takes you beyond the basics, giving you practical advice and in-depth coverage. In the book, you'll learn the technologies and techniques needed to create your own Web services for use in JSP applications. Written by programmers for programmers, the book will help you successfully utilize these exciting technologies with minimal hassle and maximum speed.

silentboy 2015-02-21   1764   0
JSP   Java开发   XML  

THE Java Programming Language, Fourth Edition 文档

Direct from the creators of the Java™ programming language, the completely revised fourth edition of The Java™ Programming Language is an indispensable resource for novice and advanced programmers alike.<br> Developers around the world have used previous editions to quickly gain a deep understanding of the Java programming language, its design goals, and how to use it most effectively in real-world development. Now, Ken Arnold, James Gosling, and David Holmes have updated this classic to reflect the major enhancements in Java™ 2 Standard Edition 5.0 (J2SE™ 5.0).

silentboy 2015-02-21   372   0

JSP and XML Integrating XML and Web Services in Your JSP Application 文档

The first Internet revolution was all about delivering information to people. We are now in the second revolution, which focuses on delivering information to systems. XML is the tool that makes this new revolution a reality, and Web services are the methods by which businesses will drive system-to-system communication. JSP(TM) and XML takes you beyond the basics, giving you practical advice and in-depth coverage. In the book, you'll learn the technologies and techniques needed to create your own Web services for use in JSP applications. Written by programmers for programmers, the book will help you successfully utilize these exciting technologies with minimal hassle and maximum speed.

silentboy 2015-02-21   1376   0

Redis 2.8 命令参考手册 文档

本文档是 Redis Command Reference 和 Redis Documentation 的中文翻译版:所有 Redis 命令文档均已翻译完毕, Redis 最重要的一部分主题(topic)文档,比如事务、持久化、复制、Sentinel、集群等文章也已翻译完毕。

inuex 2015-02-12   4161   0

鸟哥的Linux私房菜 文档

要了解 Linux 之前,就不能不知道什么是操作系统 ( Operation System, OS ),所以,首先我们来简单的说一说什么是操作系统吧!先来想一想,当我们使用计算机时,屏幕上面显示的咚咚是由哪里来的?嗯!是由显示卡与屏幕显像的;那么你现在可以藉由网络看到这篇文章,则是藉由 Internet 、网络卡、网络线以及所有相关的电子器材与网络器材所完成的一项任务!如果你要看 VCD 呢?那么就需要光驱、光盘、声卡的发声等等的支持。这么说来的话,所以在『工作』的东西都是『硬件』的工作呀!对了!就是这些计算机硬件在工作的。那么硬件怎么工作呢?那就是藉由『操作系统』来达成的啰!这个操作系统就是在沟通你这个使用者跟硬件之间的讯息传递啦!也就是说,没有操作系统,那么你的计算机硬件就只是一堆废铁,什么工作都不能做的!

paotong999 2015-02-10   2053   0

Selenium2 Webdriver 2.44 Javadoc 文档


bubble 2015-02-05   389   0

Spring Data MongoDB API 文档

Spring Data for MongoDB提供了一个类似于基于Sping编程模型的NoSQL数据存储。Spring Data for MongoDB提供了很多特性,它使很多MongoDB的Java开发者解放了很多。MongoTemplate helper类支持通用的Mongo操作。它整合了文档和POJO之间的对象映射。通常,他会转换数据库访问异常到Spring中的异常结构。使用起来非常的方便。

2276287715 2015-02-03   628   0

Oracle函数 手册 文档

For me, Microsoft SQL Server has been a labor of love. I lived and breathed this product for years, and I look at it not unlike how I look at my children—with immense love and pride. I've helped nurture the product from its infancy, through some very tough years, to its current success. I've lost many nights' sleep, upset that some customer was disappointed with it. Fortunately, I've also had many more thrills and moments of rejoicing—like when a customer speaks glowingly of SQL Server or when we win another award. Yes, the analogy to a child is the closest thing I can think of to describe my feelings about SQL Server. Like people who have always thought that one day they'd write the Great American Novel, I felt a need to finally put down in words some hopefully unique knowledge and opinions I have regarding SQL Server.

xiaodan563 2015-02-02   2991   0

微软 SQL Server 7.0 文档

This is the definitive companion to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. Ron Soukup and Kalen Delaney offer the joint perspective of the developer and the user in an extremely readable presentation. Ron led the SQL Server development team for a decade. Kalen has been working with the application designers and developers for almost that long. This is their guide to why SQL Server is the way it is and how it should be used. This book perfectly complements the reference material in SQL Server Books Online.<br> The book begins with the inside story of how the PC database giant Ashton-Tate partnered with Microsoft and then-startup Sybase to bring SQL to the OS/2 marketplace. The book goes on to trace the incredible history of the product and the partners. Ron and Kalen's firsthand account makes this a must-read. I cannot think of a more amazing story in our industry.

zsw19923 2015-02-02   1996   0

MySQL 5.1参考手册 文档

是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册。这是关于5.1版至5.1.2-alpha版MySQL数据库系统的参考手册。该手册不适用于旧版本MySQL软件,这是因为在MySQL 5.1和以前的版本存在很多功能性差异和其他差异。如果正在使用MySQL软件的较旧版本,请参阅MySQL 5.0参考手册,该手册涵盖了MySQL 5.0,或参阅MySQL 4.1参考手册,该手册涵盖了MySQL 4.1以及MySQL的所有早期版本。在手册的文本中,通过引用发布版本号(5.1.x),注明了MySQL 5.1的二级版本。

chaosbead 2015-02-01   1392   0
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