

  • SkylightOpenGL - OpenGL wrapper DSL to the Java binding for OpenGL ES - JSR 239 for Android and Java ME
  • Skylight1 DI - 一个依赖注入框架
  • Skylight1 Mocks - 一组Android电话的模拟对象,包括回放。
  • Skylight1 Utils - 工具类如:FPS计数器,远程异常堆栈处理。
  • Skylight1 UI - 公共可定制UI类
  • Skylight1 XML - XML解析类。
  • Skylight1 Server - corresponding server side projects and utils
  • MarketConsoleScraper - Android Market console scraper contributed by Worksmart Labs
  • Skylight1 Demos - api and sample demos including:
    • Tanked, a 2D OpenGL demo
    • Barnstormer, a 3D OpenGL demo
    • Flick Test, a flick example showing borders of adjacent views
    • Skylight1 Wallpaper, a live wallpaper example featuring selectable backgrounds and a fingerprint.

    Current Android Applications:

    • Skylight1 TDC - a test data capture application for Android phones - available here for download
    • Skylight1 Game the initial app, a game for Android phones called "Balance the Beer" - available on the market.
    • NYC Events - an app that lists NYC Parks, Art and Music events. - available on the market
    • Toast - an app that helps you make a toast with your phone! - available on the market