
jopen 8年前

我总是使用经济学家为机器的主机名命名。凯恩斯(keynes) , 弗里德曼(friedman) , 马克思(marx) , 费希尔(fisher) , 李嘉图(ricardo)命名。因为常常会有开源软件领域的奇怪的经济学震撼到我。

现今,大多数人认为大多数软件源代码理所应当是免费的。这是深刻而显著的改变,而在 15 年前却截然不同。从某种角度来说,我们的行业是个“赠送”其产品的行业,但这个行业却变得越来越富有。因此价值是在什么地方?这又有什么启示呢?


当然,它没有真的消失,它在银行里,内嵌在设备里,在像 Microsoft  Oracle 这样在世界上拥有强大力量的公司里,但是几乎所有的创新 —— 最重要的最令人兴奋的 —— 是发生在开源软件里。

在我们的工业体系内,服务 —— SaaS 和像 Airbnb  这样的公司 —— 是未来,正在变得越来越明显。事实上,目前在一个服务体系内,似乎才是创作出真正有价值的非开源软件的唯一方式。支持所有的 REST 终端,AWS ELBsHAProxy systems,设置一些在世界上最严密防护的软件。


开源软件的增长优势似乎在基础软件方面更为明显。当安全软件成为开源成为必然时 —— 否则,没有人会信任它 —— 基础软件正在成为开源的优势分类。看一看数据库——MySQL,MongoDBRethinkDBCouchDBInfluxDB(我是开发团队的一员), cockroachdb,今天还有谁会想着开发一个非开源的数据库吗?或者看一看搜索技术—— elasticsearchSolr,和 bleve —— 都是开源的。 Linux 是如此的有名,都没有什么再提起它的意义了。




真正的价值在开发团队和它的理念里,软件背后的团队,持续,创新,良好的执行力,和创造高质量的软件。它们仍然是如此的关键——因此他们创作的软件是不是可免费获取的已经没有关系了。当项目背后的团队在前六个月——经常是更多——从概念上讲 ,在设计,开发和做事方法方面来说,对于竞争者来说算就资源是可免费获取的也没有什么好处。

The economics of recruitment

And the implications go far beyond how software is developed.

It is generally accepted these days within The Valley that large, older, firms find it particularly hard to hire. The excitement, and latitude for creativity, within a start-up has always appealed, and even more so now with the outstanding commercial success of some.

But a second-order effect is also prevalent — many developers baulk at the idea that their work may never be seen by their peers in the open-source community, and therefore may never help them progress in their careers. And it is at larger, older firms, that the least amount of open-source software is written — what Paul Graham calls downwind jobs.

But Services remain part of the future — because while the code that Service software developers write may not be visible, the functionality is visible to the world and with the advent of cloud-computing, the power accruing to these developers is significant and growing. Services can hire, unlike the traditional firms.

Possibilities for our grandchildren

The rise of open-source has been a remarkable development in the history of economics and production. I often wonder what Keynes, Marx, and even Ricardo, would think of it all.