基于内存的Key-Value数据库,Redis 3.2 rc 1 发布

jopen 8年前



  • Redis数据库完全在内存中,使用磁盘仅用于持久性。

  • 相比许多键值数据存储,Redis拥有一套较为丰富的数据类型。

  • Redis可以将数据复制到任意数量的从服务器。

Redis 优势

  • 异常快速:Redis的速度非常快,每秒能执行约11万集合,每秒约81000+条记录。

  • 支持丰富的数据类型:Redis支持最大多数开发人员已经知道像列表,集合,有序集合,散列数据类型。这使得它非常容易解决各种各样的问题,因为我们知道哪些问题是可以处理通过它的数据类型更好。

  • 操作都是原子性:所有Redis操作是原子的,这保证了如果两个客户端同时访问的Redis服务器将获得更新后的值。

  • 多功能实用工具:Redis是一个多实用的工具,可以在多个用例如缓存,消息,队列使用(Redis原生支持发布/订阅),任何短暂的数据,应用程序,如Web应用程序会话,网页命中计数等。

Redis 3.2 rc 1 发布,主要更新如下:

* [NEW] Lua scripts "effect replication". Makes possible to write scripts
        with side effects, use of random commands, and so forth.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Geo indexing support via GEOADD, GEORADIUS and other commands.
        See http://redis.io/commands/geoadd for more information.
        (Initially implemented in a fork of Redis called "Ardb".
         Matt Stancliff "imported back" the work to Redis and created the
         initial API and implementation. Salvatore Sanfilippo modified
         the API and the implementation, fixed bugs, improved performances
         and unified the duplicated code with t_zset.c)
* [NEW] Lua debugger. A complete stepping, remote debugger for Lua scripts.
        Video here: https://www.油Tube.com/watch?v=IMvRfStaoyM
* [NEW] SDS improvements for speed and maximum string length.
        This makes Redis more memory efficient in different use cases.
        (Design and implementation by Oran Agra, some additional work
         by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Modify Jemalloc size classes to make certain Redis objects fit
        better, improving memory efficiency. (Oran Agra)
* [NEW] Better consistency behavior between masters and slaves for expired
        keys. The slaves are only able to logically consider a key expired
        even before receiving the `DEL` command from the master. This avoids
        the delay there is sometimes between the natural expire of the key
        and the moment the slave is notified. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Support daemon supervision by upstart or systemd (Pierre-Yves Ritschard)
* [NEW] New encoding for the List type: Quicklists. Very important memory
        savings and storage space in RDB gains (up to 10x sometimes).
        (Design and implementation by Matt Stancliff. RDB storage reworked
         by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] SPOP with optional count argument. (Initial implementation by
        Alon Diamant, mostly reimplemented by Salvatore Sanfilippo for speed
        and in order to make the replication of a this class of commands,
        having as logical effect the execution of multiple commands, possible).
* [NEW] Support for RDB AUX fields. Now RDB files contain additional info
        like the creation date, version of Redis generating it and so forth.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Faster RDB loading via the RESIZEDB opcode to avoid useless hash tables
        rehashings. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] HSTRLEN command. (@landmime and Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] CONFIG SET/GET implementations refactored, partially rewritten,
        now exposing more config options. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] CLUSTER NODES major speedup. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] CLIENT KILL TYPE MASTER, to kill (disconnect) masters from slaves.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Jemalloc updated to 4.0.3 (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] DEBUG RESTART/CRASH-AND-RECOVER [delay] (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] CLIENT REPLY command implemented: ON, OFF and SKIP modes.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Crash report produced by Redis on crash improved. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Better memory test on crash. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)

