项目管理和代码托管平台GitLab v8.11.0发布

jopen 8年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/df0717c3da53c7e1e2b287f70b1ce007.png" /></p>    <p>详细:      </p>    <p>GitLab是用 Ruby on Rails 语言 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。它拥有与GitHub类似的功能,能够浏览源代码,管理缺陷和注释。可以管理团队对仓库的访问,它非常易于浏览提交过的版本并提供一个文件历史库。团队成员可以利用内置的简单聊天程序(Wall)进行交流。它还提供一个代码片段收集功能可以轻松实现代码复用,便于日后有需要的时候进行查找。</p>    <h2>g'x'r日志</h2>    <pre>  <code>v 8.11.0 (unreleased)    - Use test coverage value from the latest successful pipeline in badge. !5862    - Add test coverage report badge. !5708    - Remove the http_parser.rb dependency by removing the tinder gem. !5758 (tbalthazar)    - Add Koding (online IDE) integration    - Ability to specify branches for Pivotal Tracker integration (Egor Lynko)    - Fix don't pass a local variable called `i` to a partial. !20510 (herminiotorres)    - Add delimiter to project stars and forks count (ClemMakesApps)    - Fix rename `add_users_into_project` and `projects_ids`. !20512 (herminiotorres)    - Fix adding line comments on the initial commit to a repo !5900    - Fix the title of the toggle dropdown button. !5515 (herminiotorres)    - Rename `markdown_preview` routes to `preview_markdown`. (Christopher Bartz)    - Update to Ruby 2.3.1. !4948    - Add Issues Board !5548    - Allow resolving merge conflicts in the UI !5479    - Improve diff performance by eliminating redundant checks for text blobs    - Ensure that branch names containing escapable characters (e.g. %20) aren't unescaped indiscriminately. !5770 (ewiltshi)    - Convert switch icon into icon font (ClemMakesApps)    - API: Endpoints for enabling and disabling deploy keys    - API: List access requests, request access, approve, and deny access requests to a project or a group. !4833    - Use long options for curl examples in documentation !5703 (winniehell)    - Added tooltip listing label names to the labels value in the collapsed issuable sidebar    - Remove magic comments (`# encoding: UTF-8`) from Ruby files. !5456 (winniehell)    - Fix badge count alignment (ClemMakesApps)    - GitLab Performance Monitoring can now track custom events such as the number of tags pushed to a repository    - Add support for relative links starting with ./ or / to RelativeLinkFilter (winniehell)    - Allow naming U2F devices !5833    - Ignore URLs starting with // in Markdown links !5677 (winniehell)    - Fix CI status icon link underline (ClemMakesApps)    - The Repository class is now instrumented    - Fix commit mention font inconsistency (ClemMakesApps)    - Do not escape URI when extracting path !5878 (winniehell)    - Fix filter label tooltip HTML rendering (ClemMakesApps)    - Cache the commit author in RequestStore to avoid extra lookups in PostReceive    - Expand commit message width in repo view (ClemMakesApps)    - Cache highlighted diff lines for merge requests    - Pre-create all builds for a Pipeline when the new Pipeline is created !5295    - Allow merge request diff notes and discussions to be explicitly marked as resolved    - API: Add deployment endpoints    - API: Add Play endpoint on Builds    - Fix of 'Commits being passed to custom hooks are already reachable when using the UI'    - Show wall clock time when showing a pipeline. !5734    - Show member roles to all users on members page    - Project.visible_to_user is instrumented again    - Fix awardable button mutuality loading spinners (ClemMakesApps)    - Sort todos by date and priority    - Add support for using RequestStore within Sidekiq tasks via SIDEKIQ_REQUEST_STORE env variable    - Optimize maximum user access level lookup in loading of notes    - Send notification emails to users newly mentioned in issue and MR edits !5800    - Add "No one can push" as an option for protected branches. !5081    - Improve performance of AutolinkFilter#text_parse by using XPath    - Add experimental Redis Sentinel support !1877    - Rendering of SVGs as blobs is now limited to SVGs with a size smaller or equal to 2MB    - Fix branches page dropdown sort initial state (ClemMakesApps)    - Environments have an url to link to    - Various redundant database indexes have been removed    - Update `timeago` plugin to use multiple string/locale settings    - Remove unused images (ClemMakesApps)    - Get issue and merge request description templates from repositories    - Add hover state to todos !5361 (winniehell)    - Fix icon alignment of star and fork buttons !5451 (winniehell)    - Enforce 2FA restrictions on API authentication endpoints !5820    - Limit git rev-list output count to one in forced push check    - Show deployment status on merge requests with external URLs    - Fix branch title trailing space on hover (ClemMakesApps)    - Clean up unused routes (Josef Strzibny)    - Fix issue on empty project to allow developers to only push to protected branches if given permission    - API: Add enpoints for pipelines    - Add green outline to New Branch button. !5447 (winniehell)    - Optimize generating of cache keys for issues and notes    - Fix repository push email formatting in Outlook    - Improve performance of syntax highlighting Markdown code blocks    - Update to gitlab_git 10.4.1 and take advantage of preserved Ref objects    - Remove delay when hitting "Reply..." button on page with a lot of discussions    - Retrieve rendered HTML from cache in one request    - Fix renaming repository when name contains invalid chararacters under project settings    - Upgrade Grape from 0.13.0 to 0.15.0. !4601    - Trigram indexes for the "ci_runners" table have been removed to speed up UPDATE queries    - Fix devise deprecation warnings.    - Check for 2FA when using Git over HTTP and only allow PersonalAccessTokens as password in that case !5764    - Update version_sorter and use new interface for faster tag sorting    - Load branches asynchronously in Cherry Pick and Revert dialogs.    - Optimize checking if a user has read access to a list of issues !5370    - Store all DB secrets in secrets.yml, under descriptive names !5274    - Fix syntax highlighting in file editor    - Support slash commands in issue and merge request descriptions as well as comments. !5021    - Nokogiri's various parsing methods are now instrumented    - Add archived badge to project list !5798    - Add simple identifier to public SSH keys (muteor)    - Admin page now references docs instead of a specific file !5600 (AnAverageHuman)    - Fix filter input alignment (ClemMakesApps)    - Include old revision in merge request update hooks (Ben Boeckel)    - Add build event color in HipChat messages (David Eisner)    - Make fork counter always clickable. !5463 (winniehell)    - Document that webhook secret token is sent in X-Gitlab-Token HTTP header !5664 (lycoperdon)    - Gitlab::Highlight is now instrumented    - All created issues, API or WebUI, can be submitted to Akismet for spam check !5333    - Allow users to import cross-repository pull requests from GitHub    - The overhead of instrumented method calls has been reduced    - Remove `search_id` of labels dropdown filter to fix 'Missleading URI for labels in Merge Requests and Issues view'. !5368 (Scott Le)    - Load project invited groups and members eagerly in `ProjectTeam#fetch_members`    - Add pipeline events hook    - Award emoji tooltips containing more than 10 usernames are now truncated !4780 (jlogandavison)    - Fix duplicate "me" in award emoji tooltip !5218 (jlogandavison)    - Bump gitlab_git to speedup DiffCollection iterations    - Rewrite description of a blocked user in admin settings. (Elias Werberich)    - Make branches sortable without push permission !5462 (winniehell)    - Check for Ci::Build artifacts at database level on pipeline partial    - Convert image diff background image to CSS (ClemMakesApps)    - Remove unnecessary index_projects_on_builds_enabled index from the projects table    - Make "New issue" button in Issue page less obtrusive !5457 (winniehell)    - Gitlab::Metrics.current_transaction needs to be public for RailsQueueDuration    - Fix search for notes which belongs to deleted objects    - Allow Akismet to be trained by submitting issues as spam or ham !5538    - Add GitLab Workhorse version to admin dashboard (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)    - Fix spacing and vertical alignment on build status icon on commits page (ClemMakesApps)    - Allow branch names ending with .json for graph and network page !5579 (winniehell)    - Add the `sprockets-es6` gem    - Improve OAuth2 client documentation (muteor)    - Fix diff comments inverted toggle bug (ClemMakesApps)    - Multiple trigger variables show in separate lines (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)    - Profile requests when a header is passed    - Fix button missing type (ClemMakesApps)    - Avoid calculation of line_code and position for _line partial when showing diff notes on discussion tab.    - Speedup DiffNote#active? on discussions, preloading noteables and avoid touching git repository to return diff_refs when possible    - Add commit stats in commit api. !5517 (dixpac)    - Add CI configuration button on project page    - Fix merge request new view not changing code view rendering style    - edit_blob_link will use blob passed onto the options parameter    - Make error pages responsive (Takuya Noguchi)    - The performance of the project dropdown used for moving issues has been improved    - Move to project dropdown with infinite scroll for better performance    - Fix skip_repo parameter being ignored when destroying a namespace    - Add all builds into stage/job dropdowns on builds page    - Change requests_profiles resource constraint to catch virtually any file    - Bump gitlab_git to lazy load compare commits    - Reduce number of queries made for merge_requests/:id/diffs    - Add the option to set the expiration date for the project membership when giving a user access to a project. !5599 (Adam Niedzielski)    - Sensible state specific default sort order for issues and merge requests !5453 (tomb0y)    - Fix bug where destroying a namespace would not always destroy projects    - Fix RequestProfiler::Middleware error when code is reloaded in development    - Allow horizontal scrolling of code blocks in issue body    - Catch what warden might throw when profiling requests to re-throw it    - Avoid commit lookup on diff_helper passing existing local variable to the helper method    - Add description to new_issue email and new_merge_request_email in text/plain content type. !5663 (dixpac)    - Speed up and reduce memory usage of Commit#repo_changes, Repository#expire_avatar_cache and IrkerWorker    - Add unfold links for Side-by-Side view. !5415 (Tim Masliuchenko)    - Adds support for pending invitation project members importing projects    - Add pipeline visualization/graph on pipeline page    - Update devise initializer to turn on changed password notification emails. !5648 (tombell)    - Avoid to show the original password field when password is automatically set. !5712 (duduribeiro)    - Fix importing GitLab projects with an invalid MR source project    - Sort folders with submodules in Files view !5521    - Each `File::exists?` replaced to `File::exist?` because of deprecate since ruby version 2.2.0    - Add auto-completition in pipeline (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)    - Add pipelines tab to merge requests    - Fix notification_service argument error of declined invitation emails    - Fix a memory leak caused by Banzai::Filter::SanitizationFilter    - Speed up todos queries by limiting the projects set we join with    - Ensure file editing in UI does not overwrite commited changes without warning user    - Eliminate unneeded calls to Repository#blob_at when listing commits with no path    - Update gitlab_git gem to 10.4.7    - Simplify SQL queries of marking a todo as done</code></pre>    <h2>下载</h2>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993327400650964" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993327536249781" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li>    </ul>    <p>本站原创,转载时保留以下信息:<br /> 本文转自:深度开源(open-open.com)<br /> 原文地址:<a href="http://www.open-open.com/news/view/44b9a83c">http://www.open-open.com/news/view/44b9a83c</a></p>    <h2> </h2>