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PIG on Storm
P R E S E N T E D B Y M r i d u l J a i n ⎪ J u n e 3 , 2 0 1 4
2 0 1 4 H a d o o p S u m m i t , S a n J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a
1 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
• Intro – PIG, Storm
• PIG on Storm
• PIG – Hybrid Mode
2 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Quick Intuition: PIG
3 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Q = LOAD “sentences” USING PigStorage() AS (query:chararray);
words = FOREACH Q GENERATE FLATTEN(Tokenize(query));
word_grps = GROUP words BY $0;
word_counts = FOREACH word_grps GENERATE $0, COUNT($1);
Quick Intuition: Storm
4 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Kafka Loader
Group By
“Obama wins elections”
“Obama care ”
“Obama wins
“Care”“Obama” “wins”
Quick Intuition: PIG on Storm
5 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Kafka Loader
Group By
“Obama wins elections”
“Obama care ”
“Obama wins
“Care”“Obama” “wins”
Q = LOAD “sentences” USING KafkaLoader() AS
word_grps = GROUP words BY $0;
word_counts = FOREACH word_grps GENERATE
$0, COUNT($1);
Storm Modes
6 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Event Processing
Batch Processing
Bunch of events, tagged by BatchID
Batch spans across the emitters.
7 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
tuple 1
tuple 2
tuple 3
Tuples (marked by batch identifer) are emitted, as
and when they arrive.
8 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
9 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
tuple 4
tuple 5
tuple 6
Multiple batches can run in parallel in the
Ordering of batches at any node can be
guaranteed using commiters.
10 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
PIG on Storm
Write once run anywhere
11 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
PIG Script
• Express in PIG and run on Storm -
simplified code & inbuilt ops.
• Think & write in PIG - scripts as well as
• The same script would generally run
on MR or Storm - existing scripts easy
to move over to realtime, quickly
• Easy pluggability to any streaming
data source.
Batch Aggregation
• Batches supported in PIG on which
aggregation happen
• Aggregation across batches also possible
Rich State Semantics
• A state can now be associated & represented as a
PIG relation & operated upon as a usual PIG relation.
• Sliding Windows now available in Storm via PIG -
automatically updates the window with every new
batch: HBase & any other store pluggable
• Global Mutable State - updated state available with
every batch and exclusively accessible during
commits: PigStorage, HBase & any other store
• Richer operations & state mgmt - upcoming!
Hybrid Mode
Mode which decides what parts of your PIG
script to run on Storm & what on MR,
12 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Think streaming in PIG
A = Load "a.source" from StorageA();
B = Load "b.source" from StorageB();
C = foreach A generate PIGUDF(*);
D = group A by $0;
E = foreach D generate PIGUDF1(*)
F = cross A,B;
A script variable which contains the PIG types are open pipes
which will get data as time passes, than all records available
upfront unlike PIG.
Two streams A and B are open here.
• Semantics are same as PIG's i.e programmer deals with batches of records and thinks in
the same terms.
• Each batch here corresponds to a single batch in storm.
• The tuples for a batch get generated as timepasses, in a streaming fashion; though tuples
start moving in the pipeline as and when they are generated within a batch, than waiting
for whole batch to finish.
• Pipelining of batches is supported as the batch doesn't have to traverse the topology (the
whole pig script completely here), before the next batch can start.
• In-line with PIG's philosophy, all operations like joining, merging of stream and every other
stream transformation is explicitly done by the programmer.
13 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Language Models for Trend Detection
Query @ time
1600hrs today:
Obama wins
Current Window (Past x hrs from
current time) Calculator
Yesterday's Window (Past x hrs from
current time, yesterday) Calculator
Total Count of each n-gram from 1200-1600hrs
Obama wins elections
Total Count 10 30 5
Total Vocab size for the window 1200-1600hrs
today: 1000
Total Count of each n-gram from 1200-1600hrs
Obama wins elections
Total Count 5 10 2
Total Vocab size for the window 1200-1600hrs
yesterday: 1200
Probability("Obama wins
elections") in current window
Probability("Obama wins
elections") in Yesterday's window
● Detects trends in Search or Twitter signals by comparing n-gram
frequencies across current and historic time windows
● Needs notion of time windows
● Needs state mgmt for historic data
14 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
(Query) Total
Same batchid
● Lines of code(Native
Storm): 5000
● Lines of code (PIG): ~200
● From 55mins to 5 mins
(classic to storm)
● Nearest: > 8x-10x
15 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
register '/home/mridul/posapps/trending/' using jython as nqfunc;
--get live queries as a batch {(q1),(q2),(q3)...}
LiveQueries = LOAD 'twitter' USING org.pos.udfs.kafka.KafkaEmitter('60');
--generate the relation Ngrams having {(n1,q1),(n2,q2)...} from LiveQueries
Ngrams = FOREACH LiveQueries GENERATE FLATTEN(nqfunc.split_ngram_query($0));
--store the above Ngram in in Hbase for sliding window
STORE Ngram INTO 'testtable' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam');
--load the current 5 hr window from the datasource which is of the form
NgramModel = LOAD 'testtable,-6,-1' USING
org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam') as (word, cnt);
--group all to find the total in next step {(ALL,{(n1,c1),(n2,c2),(n3,c3)...})}
GM = GROUP NgramModel ALL;
--find total count of all tuples in the current window
TotalNgramCount = FOREACH GM GENERATE SUM($1.$1);
--find the unique count of tuples in the current window
--Next steps get all the data per ngram in a fmt which helps in calculating MLE
CW1 = JOIN Ngrams BY $0, NgramModel BY $0;
Kafka Spout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
--Join the streams to calculate the counts for an Ngram in
the query and unique vocab, from NgramModel (every
16 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Advanced State features on Storm
● Efficient in-memory state
● Rich out-of-the-box in-memory data structures (union, intersections
and sketches)
● Advanced semantics like sliding windows supported inherently
● Rich expression of state via PIG
● Fast recovery of the in-memory state
● Potentially query-able state and immutable jobs on those states
● Scheduling of tasks based on data locality
17 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
PIG Hybrid Mode
One script to bind it ALL!
18 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Fast path + Slow path
User Profile & History
(Offline Model)
Realtime User
User Event
1. User Event Processing
User latest profile
● Merge latest user event into the
user profile model.
● User profile model crunches
huge data, periodically.
● Separate processing logic for
realtime vs batched pipeline.
19 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Current Solutions
 Batch processing and real-time processing systems have been developed in isolation and
maintained separately.
 Requires architecting the whole system explicitly as there is no system supporting both
 Shared state store schema is tied to application logic.
 Read-write sync logic and locking needs to be custom designed between the pipelines.
20 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Hybrid Mode
--get live queries as a batch {(q1),(q2),(q3)...}
LiveQueries = LOAD 'twitter' USING org.pos.udfs.kafka.KafkaEmitter('60');
--generate the relation Ngrams having {(n1,q1),(n2,q2)...} from LiveQueries
Ngrams = FOREACH LiveQueries GENERATE FLATTEN(nqfunc.split_ngram_query($0));
--store the above Ngram in in Hbase for sliding window
STORE Ngram INTO 'testtable' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam');
--load the current 5 hr window from the datasource which is of the form {(n1,c1),(n2,c2)}
NgramModel = LOAD 'testtable,-1000,-1,10' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam') as
(word, cnt);
--group all to find the total in next step {(ALL,{(n1,c1),(n2,c2),(n3,c3)...})}
GM = GROUP NgramModel ALL;
--find total count of all tuples in the current window
TotalNgramCount = FOREACH GM GENERATE SUM($1.$1);
--find the unique count of tuples in the current window
--Next steps get all the data per ngram in a fmt which helps in calculating MLE
CW1 = JOIN Ngrams BY $0, NgramModel BY $0;
Every 10th batch, read in a
relative state of 1000 batches
from the current batch. Process
that range in MR/Offline.
Large Batch Range & Low
Frequency of Processing + High
Data payload - helps decide the
Storm/MR parts.
Point of merge/interaction with
the online relation (Ngrams)
defines the boundary for the MR
21 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Hybrid Mode Architecture & Program
22 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
● Perf testing @ scale
● Install & Setup - environments, dependencies, paths, software installs
on different systems
● Demo & Documentation
● State related optimizations
● Hybrid Mode
23 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Thank You
We are hiring!
Stop by Kiosk P9
or reach out to us at
24 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
25 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
Job Creation & Deployment
test-load-2: (Name: LOStore Schema: null)
|---F: (Name: LOForEach Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long)
| |
| (Name: LOGenerate[false,false] Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long)
| | |
| | group:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 4 Input: 0 Column: (*))
| | |
| | (Name: Project Type: long Uid: 8 Input: 1 Column: (*))
| |
| |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: group#4:chararray)
| |
| |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[1] Schema: #8:long)
|---E: (Name: LOForEach Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long)
| |
| (Name: LOGenerate[false,false] Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long)
| | |
| | group:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 4 Input: 0 Column: (*))
| | |
| | (Name: UserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.COUNT) Type: long Uid: 8)
| | |
| | |---C:(Name: Project Type: bag Uid: 5 Input: 1 Column: (*))
| |
| |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: group#4:chararray)
| |
| |---C: (Name: LOInnerLoad[1] Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray)
|---D: (Name: LOCogroup Schema: group#4:chararray,C#5:bag{#9:tuple(bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray)})
| |
| bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 4 Input: 0 Column: 0)
|---C: (Name: LOForEach Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray)
| |
| (Name: LOGenerate[true] Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray)
| | |
| | bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null:(Name: Project Type: bag Uid: 2 Input: 0 Column: (*))
| |
| |---bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null: (Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: token#4:chararray)
|---B: (Name: LOForEach Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null#2:bag{tuple_of_tokens#3:tuple(token#4:chararray)})
| |
| (Name: LOGenerate[false] Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null#2:bag{tuple_of_tokens#3:tuple(token#4:chararray)})
| | |
| | (Name: UserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.TOKENIZE) Type: bag Uid: 2)
| | |
| | |---(Name: Project Type: bytearray Uid: 1 Input: 0 Column: (*))
| |
| |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: #1:bytearray)
|---A: (Name: LOLoad Schema: null)RequiredFields:null
Logical Plan
Grouping Implementation - MR
“cow” “jumped”
Physical Plan
Relation D (for grouping) gets broken into
3 operators from Logical to Physical Plan
test-load-2: Store(file:///Users/mridul/workspace/PIGOnStorm/screen:org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage) - scope-23
|---F: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-22
| |
| Project[chararray][0] - scope-18
| |
| Project[long][1] - scope-20
|---E: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-17
| |
| Project[chararray][0] - scope-12
| |
| POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.COUNT)[long] - scope-15
| |
| |---Project[bag][1] - scope-14
|---D: Package[tuple]{chararray} - scope-9
|---D: Global Rearrange[tuple] - scope-8
|---D: Local Rearrange[tuple]{chararray}(false) - scope-10
| |
| Project[chararray][0] - scope-11
|---C: New For Each(true)[bag] - scope-7
| |
| Project[bag][0] - scope-5
|---B: New For Each(false)[bag] - scope-4
| |
| POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.TOKENIZE)[bag] - scope-2
| |
| |---Project[bytearray][0] - scope-1
|---A: Load(sentences.txt:org.pos.main.RandomSentenceLoadFunc('sentence','2','the cow jumped over the moon,the cow man went to the store
and bought some candy moon, the cow went to the moon')) - scope-0
Physical Plan
Clustering Algo(Boundary detection to form a job):
● How are POs clustered into an MR Job?
● How POs within a job, are clustered into Maps and Reduces?
MR Job1 MR Job2
Map containing 2 Physical Operators where data is passed directly
from one operator to another.
Reduce containing a reducing operator PO3 followed by PO4 which processes the output of PO3.
Shuffling needs to be done between PO2 and PO3. This defines a boundary condition between a
Map & a Reduce within a MR Job.
An MR Job can have only 1 Map & 1
PO5 is another reducer which cannot be in
the same job as MR1 and so a new job MR2
is created as a result of this boundary
Load PO gets mapped to an MROp which becomes parts of the data loading framework for a MR Job. After loading the
data, it is passed tuple by tuple to the subsequent Map by the MR framework.
WordCount PhysicalPlan -----> WordCount MRPlan
MR Job
WordCount PhysicalPlan -----> WordCount StormPlan
Storm UDF scope-24
A: Load(sentences.txt:org.pos.main.RandomSentenceLoadFunc('sentence','2','the cow jumped over the moon,the cow man went to the store and bought some candy moon, the
cow went to the moon')) - scope-0--------
Storm UDF scope-25
D: Local Rearrange[tuple]{chararray}(false) - scope-10
| |
| Project[chararray][0] - scope-11
|---C: New For Each(true)[bag] - scope-7
| |
| Project[bag][0] - scope-5
|---B: New For Each(false)[bag] - scope-4
| |
| POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.TOKENIZE)[bag] - scope-2
| |
| |---Project[bytearray][0] - scope-1
Input: A--------
Storm UDF scope-26
F: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-22
| |
| Project[chararray][0] - scope-18
| |
| Project[long][1] - scope-20
|---E: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-17
| |
| Project[chararray][0] - scope-12
| |
| POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.COUNT)[long] - scope-15
| |
| |---Project[bag][1] - scope-14
|---D: Package[tuple]{chararray} - scope-9--------
Storm Plan
Data Flow & Execution
Data Flow @ Runtime - MR
MR Job
Data Flow @ Runtime - MR
MR Job
Data Flow @ Runtime - MR
MR Job
Loads data from HDFS. MR framework
passes it tuple by tuple to the
subsequent Map(MROp here).
The MROp callback should attach the tuple given
by the framework to the root node of it’s local tree
(B here)
The leaf node in every MROp pulls the data tuple recursively
(i.e D->C->B). This is the same tuple which was attached
initially to B.
Process repeats.
Data Flow @ Runtime - Storm
Spout pulls data from a datasource or
queue and emits to the next Bolt.
Bolt attaches the tuple to the root node B.
The leaf node D pulls the tuple and emits.
Grouping Implementation - Storm
“cow” “jumped”
Physical Plan
Each task of DPkg could maintain multiple
states corresponding to specific tokens (like a
Distinct Implementation - Storm
“cow” “jumped”
Each task of DPkg could maintain multiple
states corresponding to the specific token (like a
reducer) and emit only the distinct tokens from
each, directly.
Physical Plan
Sort Implementation - Storm
“cow” “jumped”
“jumped” “cow”
Single DPkg task maintains a sorted Treemap,
which is emitted at end of the batch.
Physical Plan
Cogroup Implementation - Storm
Each DPkg task emits a tuple containing the field grouped
on and a bag having grouped tuples, from relation A and B,
which is emitted at end of the batch.
Relation A and B are merged into a Stream by
Trident for the field grouped tuple before
passing to resp POPackage
“cow” “jumped”
{“cow”, “cow”}
Field grouping as
property of the edge
Data Format Transformation during Data Flow (Storm)
Takes Storm tuple and converts into PIG tuple
before fwding/attaching as input to POs.
Converts from PIG tuple back to Storm tuple, before
emitting from a bolt. Payload is packaged into a single
PIG tuple i.e outgoing stream has complex data
structures (like bags etc) which are packed as blobs in
a tuple.

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Pig on Storm

  • 1. PIG on Storm P R E S E N T E D B Y M r i d u l J a i n ⎪ J u n e 3 , 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 4 H a d o o p S u m m i t , S a n J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a 1 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 2. • Intro – PIG, Storm • PIG on Storm • PIG – Hybrid Mode 2 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 3. Quick Intuition: PIG 3 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California Q = LOAD “sentences” USING PigStorage() AS (query:chararray); words = FOREACH Q GENERATE FLATTEN(Tokenize(query)); word_grps = GROUP words BY $0; word_counts = FOREACH word_grps GENERATE $0, COUNT($1);
  • 4. Quick Intuition: Storm 4 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California Kafka Loader Tokenizer Group By Count “Obama wins elections” “Obama care ” “Obama wins elections” “Obama Care” “Obama” “Care”“Obama” “wins” “elections” “Obama” “Obama” “wins” “elections” “care”
  • 5. Quick Intuition: PIG on Storm 5 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California Kafka Loader Tokenizer Group By Count “Obama wins elections” “Obama care ” “Obama wins elections” “Obama Care” “Obama” “Care”“Obama” “wins” “elections” “Obama” “Obama” “wins” “elections” “care” Q = LOAD “sentences” USING KafkaLoader() AS (query:chararray); words = FOREACH Q GENERATE FLATTEN(Tokenize(query)); word_grps = GROUP words BY $0; word_counts = FOREACH word_grps GENERATE $0, COUNT($1);
  • 6. Storm Modes 6 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California Bolt A Bolt B Bolt CSpout Bolt A Bolt B Bolt C C S E1 E2 E3 Kafka AMQ Event Processing Batch Processing Event Data Stream Bunch of events, tagged by BatchID
  • 8. Coord Spout Emitter1 Bolt A Bolt B Bolt CEmitter2 Emitter3 Kafka AMQ tuple 1 tuple 2 tuple 3 Tuples (marked by batch identifer) are emitted, as and when they arrive. 8 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 10. Coord Spout Emitter1 Bolt A Bolt B Bolt C Emitter2 Emitter3 Kafka AMQ tuple 4 tuple 5 tuple 6 Multiple batches can run in parallel in the topology. Ordering of batches at any node can be guaranteed using commiters. 10 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 11. PIG on Storm Write once run anywhere 11 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 12. PIG Script Map Reduce Storm • Express in PIG and run on Storm - simplified code & inbuilt ops. • Think & write in PIG - scripts as well as UDFs. • The same script would generally run on MR or Storm - existing scripts easy to move over to realtime, quickly • Easy pluggability to any streaming data source. Batch Aggregation • Batches supported in PIG on which aggregation happen • Aggregation across batches also possible now! Rich State Semantics • A state can now be associated & represented as a PIG relation & operated upon as a usual PIG relation. • Sliding Windows now available in Storm via PIG - automatically updates the window with every new batch: HBase & any other store pluggable • Global Mutable State - updated state available with every batch and exclusively accessible during commits: PigStorage, HBase & any other store pluggable. • Richer operations & state mgmt - upcoming! Hybrid Mode Mode which decides what parts of your PIG script to run on Storm & what on MR, automatically. 12 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 13. Think streaming in PIG A = Load "a.source" from StorageA(); B = Load "b.source" from StorageB(); C = foreach A generate PIGUDF(*); D = group A by $0; E = foreach D generate PIGUDF1(*) F = cross A,B; A script variable which contains the PIG types are open pipes which will get data as time passes, than all records available upfront unlike PIG. Two streams A and B are open here. • Semantics are same as PIG's i.e programmer deals with batches of records and thinks in the same terms. • Each batch here corresponds to a single batch in storm. • The tuples for a batch get generated as timepasses, in a streaming fashion; though tuples start moving in the pipeline as and when they are generated within a batch, than waiting for whole batch to finish. • Pipelining of batches is supported as the batch doesn't have to traverse the topology (the whole pig script completely here), before the next batch can start. • In-line with PIG's philosophy, all operations like joining, merging of stream and every other stream transformation is explicitly done by the programmer. 13 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 14. Language Models for Trend Detection Copy Query @ time 1600hrs today: Obama wins elections Current Window (Past x hrs from current time) Calculator Yesterday's Window (Past x hrs from current time, yesterday) Calculator Total Count of each n-gram from 1200-1600hrs today: Obama wins elections Total Count 10 30 5 Total Vocab size for the window 1200-1600hrs today: 1000 Total Count of each n-gram from 1200-1600hrs yesterday: Obama wins elections Total Count 5 10 2 Total Vocab size for the window 1200-1600hrs yesterday: 1200 Probability("Obama wins elections") in current window ----------------------------------------- Probability("Obama wins elections") in Yesterday's window ● Detects trends in Search or Twitter signals by comparing n-gram frequencies across current and historic time windows ● Needs notion of time windows ● Needs state mgmt for historic data 14 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 16. register '/home/mridul/posapps/trending/' using jython as nqfunc; --get live queries as a batch {(q1),(q2),(q3)...} LiveQueries = LOAD 'twitter' USING org.pos.udfs.kafka.KafkaEmitter('60'); --generate the relation Ngrams having {(n1,q1),(n2,q2)...} from LiveQueries Ngrams = FOREACH LiveQueries GENERATE FLATTEN(nqfunc.split_ngram_query($0)); --store the above Ngram in in Hbase for sliding window STORE Ngram INTO 'testtable' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam'); --load the current 5 hr window from the datasource which is of the form {(n1,c1),(n2,c2),(n3,c3)...} NgramModel = LOAD 'testtable,-6,-1' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam') as (word, cnt); --group all to find the total in next step {(ALL,{(n1,c1),(n2,c2),(n3,c3)...})} GM = GROUP NgramModel ALL; --find total count of all tuples in the current window TotalNgramCount = FOREACH GM GENERATE SUM($1.$1); --find the unique count of tuples in the current window VocabCount = FOREACH GM GENERATE COUNT($1); --Next steps get all the data per ngram in a fmt which helps in calculating MLE -- {(ngram1,query1,ngram1,ngram1_frequency,total_ngrams,vocab_size),(ngram2,query2,ng ram2,ngram2_frequency,total_ngrams,vocab_size)} CW1 = JOIN Ngrams BY $0, NgramModel BY $0; Kafka Spout WindowHbaseStore Spout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CW 1 Joined batch search/twitter --Join the streams to calculate the counts for an Ngram in the query and unique vocab, from NgramModel (every batch) 16 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 17. Advanced State features on Storm ● Efficient in-memory state ● Rich out-of-the-box in-memory data structures (union, intersections and sketches) ● Advanced semantics like sliding windows supported inherently ● Rich expression of state via PIG ● Fast recovery of the in-memory state ● Potentially query-able state and immutable jobs on those states ● Scheduling of tasks based on data locality 17 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 18. PIG Hybrid Mode One script to bind it ALL! 18 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 19. Fast path + Slow path User Profile & History (Offline Model) Realtime User Event Enriched User Event UDF 1. User Event Processing Motivation User latest profile lookup ● Merge latest user event into the user profile model. ● User profile model crunches huge data, periodically. ● Separate processing logic for realtime vs batched pipeline. 19 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 20. Current Solutions  Batch processing and real-time processing systems have been developed in isolation and maintained separately.  Requires architecting the whole system explicitly as there is no system supporting both currently.  Shared state store schema is tied to application logic.  Read-write sync logic and locking needs to be custom designed between the pipelines. 20 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 21. Hybrid Mode --get live queries as a batch {(q1),(q2),(q3)...} LiveQueries = LOAD 'twitter' USING org.pos.udfs.kafka.KafkaEmitter('60'); --generate the relation Ngrams having {(n1,q1),(n2,q2)...} from LiveQueries Ngrams = FOREACH LiveQueries GENERATE FLATTEN(nqfunc.split_ngram_query($0)); --store the above Ngram in in Hbase for sliding window STORE Ngram INTO 'testtable' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam'); --load the current 5 hr window from the datasource which is of the form {(n1,c1),(n2,c2)} NgramModel = LOAD 'testtable,-1000,-1,10' USING org.pos.state.hbase.WindowHbaseStore('fam') as (word, cnt); --group all to find the total in next step {(ALL,{(n1,c1),(n2,c2),(n3,c3)...})} GM = GROUP NgramModel ALL; --find total count of all tuples in the current window TotalNgramCount = FOREACH GM GENERATE SUM($1.$1); --find the unique count of tuples in the current window VocabCount = FOREACH GM GENERATE COUNT($1); --Next steps get all the data per ngram in a fmt which helps in calculating MLE -- {(ngram1,query1,ngram1,ngram1_frequency,total_ngrams,vocab_size),(ngram2,query2,ngram2,ngram2 _frequency,total_ngrams,vocab_size)} CW1 = JOIN Ngrams BY $0, NgramModel BY $0; Every 10th batch, read in a relative state of 1000 batches from the current batch. Process that range in MR/Offline. Large Batch Range & Low Frequency of Processing + High Data payload - helps decide the Storm/MR parts. Point of merge/interaction with the online relation (Ngrams) defines the boundary for the MR Job. 21 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 22. Hybrid Mode Architecture & Program 22 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 23. Next ● Perf testing @ scale ● Install & Setup - environments, dependencies, paths, software installs on different systems ● Demo & Documentation ● State related optimizations ● Hybrid Mode 23 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 24. Thank You Twitter: @mridul_jain @gupta_kapilg @jyotiahuja11 We are hiring! Stop by Kiosk P9 or reach out to us at 24 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 25. Backup 25 2014 Hadoop Summit, San Jose, California
  • 26. Job Creation & Deployment
  • 27. test-load-2: (Name: LOStore Schema: null) | |---F: (Name: LOForEach Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long) | | | (Name: LOGenerate[false,false] Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long) | | | | | group:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 4 Input: 0 Column: (*)) | | | | | (Name: Project Type: long Uid: 8 Input: 1 Column: (*)) | | | |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: group#4:chararray) | | | |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[1] Schema: #8:long) | |---E: (Name: LOForEach Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long) | | | (Name: LOGenerate[false,false] Schema: group#4:chararray,#8:long) | | | | | group:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 4 Input: 0 Column: (*)) | | | | | (Name: UserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.COUNT) Type: long Uid: 8) | | | | | |---C:(Name: Project Type: bag Uid: 5 Input: 1 Column: (*)) | | | |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: group#4:chararray) | | | |---C: (Name: LOInnerLoad[1] Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray) | |---D: (Name: LOCogroup Schema: group#4:chararray,C#5:bag{#9:tuple(bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray)}) | | | bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token:(Name: Project Type: chararray Uid: 4 Input: 0 Column: 0) | |---C: (Name: LOForEach Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray) | | | (Name: LOGenerate[true] Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null::token#4:chararray) | | | | | bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null:(Name: Project Type: bag Uid: 2 Input: 0 Column: (*)) | | | |---bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null: (Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: token#4:chararray) | |---B: (Name: LOForEach Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null#2:bag{tuple_of_tokens#3:tuple(token#4:chararray)}) | | | (Name: LOGenerate[false] Schema: bag_of_tokenTuples_from_null#2:bag{tuple_of_tokens#3:tuple(token#4:chararray)}) | | | | | (Name: UserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.TOKENIZE) Type: bag Uid: 2) | | | | | |---(Name: Project Type: bytearray Uid: 1 Input: 0 Column: (*)) | | | |---(Name: LOInnerLoad[0] Schema: #1:bytearray) | |---A: (Name: LOLoad Schema: null)RequiredFields:null Logical Plan A B C D E F
  • 28. Grouping Implementation - MR D LR D GR D Pkg D Pkg D LR “cow” “jumped” “jumped” “cow” “jumped” “jumped” MR Implementation Physical Plan Relation D (for grouping) gets broken into 3 operators from Logical to Physical Plan Ma p Reduc e
  • 29. test-load-2: Store(file:///Users/mridul/workspace/PIGOnStorm/screen:org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage) - scope-23 | |---F: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-22 | | | Project[chararray][0] - scope-18 | | | Project[long][1] - scope-20 | |---E: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-17 | | | Project[chararray][0] - scope-12 | | | POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.COUNT)[long] - scope-15 | | | |---Project[bag][1] - scope-14 | |---D: Package[tuple]{chararray} - scope-9 | |---D: Global Rearrange[tuple] - scope-8 | |---D: Local Rearrange[tuple]{chararray}(false) - scope-10 | | | Project[chararray][0] - scope-11 | |---C: New For Each(true)[bag] - scope-7 | | | Project[bag][0] - scope-5 | |---B: New For Each(false)[bag] - scope-4 | | | POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.TOKENIZE)[bag] - scope-2 | | | |---Project[bytearray][0] - scope-1 | |---A: Load(sentences.txt:org.pos.main.RandomSentenceLoadFunc('sentence','2','the cow jumped over the moon,the cow man went to the store and bought some candy moon, the cow went to the moon')) - scope-0 A B C D LR D GR D Pkg E F Physical Plan
  • 30. Clustering Algo(Boundary detection to form a job): ● How are POs clustered into an MR Job? ● How POs within a job, are clustered into Maps and Reduces? PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 pass thro’ Map PO5 MR Job1 MR Job2 Map containing 2 Physical Operators where data is passed directly from one operator to another. Reduce containing a reducing operator PO3 followed by PO4 which processes the output of PO3. Shuffling needs to be done between PO2 and PO3. This defines a boundary condition between a Map & a Reduce within a MR Job. An MR Job can have only 1 Map & 1 Reduce. PO5 is another reducer which cannot be in the same job as MR1 and so a new job MR2 is created as a result of this boundary condition. Load PO gets mapped to an MROp which becomes parts of the data loading framework for a MR Job. After loading the data, it is passed tuple by tuple to the subsequent Map by the MR framework.
  • 31. WordCount PhysicalPlan -----> WordCount MRPlan A B C D LR D GR D Pkg E F MROp(Map) MROp(Reduce) MR Job
  • 32. WordCount PhysicalPlan -----> WordCount StormPlan A B C D LR D GR D Pkg E F StormOp(Bolt) StormOp(Bolt) Storm Topology
  • 33. Storm UDF scope-24 A: Load(sentences.txt:org.pos.main.RandomSentenceLoadFunc('sentence','2','the cow jumped over the moon,the cow man went to the store and bought some candy moon, the cow went to the moon')) - scope-0-------- Storm UDF scope-25 D: Local Rearrange[tuple]{chararray}(false) - scope-10 | | | Project[chararray][0] - scope-11 | |---C: New For Each(true)[bag] - scope-7 | | | Project[bag][0] - scope-5 | |---B: New For Each(false)[bag] - scope-4 | | | POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.TOKENIZE)[bag] - scope-2 | | | |---Project[bytearray][0] - scope-1 Input: A-------- Storm UDF scope-26 F: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-22 | | | Project[chararray][0] - scope-18 | | | Project[long][1] - scope-20 | |---E: New For Each(false,false)[bag] - scope-17 | | | Project[chararray][0] - scope-12 | | | POUserFunc(org.apache.pig.builtin.COUNT)[long] - scope-15 | | | |---Project[bag][1] - scope-14 | |---D: Package[tuple]{chararray} - scope-9-------- Storm Plan
  • 34. Data Flow & Execution
  • 35. Data Flow @ Runtime - MR A B C D LR D GR D Pkg E F MROp(Map) MROp(Reduce) MR Job
  • 36. Data Flow @ Runtime - MR A B C D LR MROp(Map) MR Job
  • 37. Data Flow @ Runtime - MR A B C D LR MROp(Map) MR Job Loads data from HDFS. MR framework passes it tuple by tuple to the subsequent Map(MROp here). The MROp callback should attach the tuple given by the framework to the root node of it’s local tree (B here) The leaf node in every MROp pulls the data tuple recursively (i.e D->C->B). This is the same tuple which was attached initially to B. Process repeats.
  • 38. Data Flow @ Runtime - Storm A B C D LR D GR D Pkg E F StormOp(Bolt) StormOp(Bolt) Storm Topology Spout pulls data from a datasource or queue and emits to the next Bolt. Bolt attaches the tuple to the root node B. The leaf node D pulls the tuple and emits.
  • 39. Grouping Implementation - Storm D LR D GR D Pkg D Pkg D LR “cow” “jumped” “jumped” “cow” “jumped” “jumped” Storm Implementation Physical Plan Each task of DPkg could maintain multiple states corresponding to specific tokens (like a reducer)
  • 40. Distinct Implementation - Storm D Pkg D LR “cow” “jumped” “jumped” “cow” “jumped” “jumped” Each task of DPkg could maintain multiple states corresponding to the specific token (like a reducer) and emit only the distinct tokens from each, directly. D LR D GR D Pkg Storm Implementation Physical Plan
  • 41. Sort Implementation - Storm D Pkg D LR “cow” “jumped” “jumped” “cow” “jumped” “jumped” Single DPkg task maintains a sorted Treemap, which is emitted at end of the batch. D LR D GR D Pkg Storm Implementation Physical Plan Global Grouping
  • 42. Cogroup Implementation - Storm D Pkg Each DPkg task emits a tuple containing the field grouped on and a bag having grouped tuples, from relation A and B, which is emitted at end of the batch. A LR B LR D PkgA LR B LR Relation A and B are merged into a Stream by Trident for the field grouped tuple before passing to resp POPackage “cow” “jumped” “cow” {“cow”, “cow”} Field grouping as property of the edge
  • 43. Data Format Transformation during Data Flow (Storm) A B C D LR Queu e StormOp(Bolt) Takes Storm tuple and converts into PIG tuple before fwding/attaching as input to POs. Converts from PIG tuple back to Storm tuple, before emitting from a bolt. Payload is packaged into a single PIG tuple i.e outgoing stream has complex data structures (like bags etc) which are packed as blobs in a tuple.

Editor's Notes

  1. Its not very clear - the two tuples 1 and 3 became one tuple 1’ post Bolt A? Or we are just saying here that for all tuples that are generated from a particular batch, the ID remains same even though the tuples change themselves
  2. This one is WIP i guess
  3. Should we add some info on how we support rich state semantics? Whats our storage and what could be its constraints if any?
  4. Lets say that we are now talking about a real world example, the transition from previous to this one is a little abrupt. For instance, Example application - Trend detection Requires - Time windows State management
  5. We need to add label for 4 in the image. I am assuming the unlabeled arrow is number 4, is it? If yes, then arrow’s direction should be reversed as well as the flow is from MR to Hbase. The right side script can completely go, already covered in slide 16