WL#6606: Offload THD initialization and network initialization to worker thread

Affects: Server-5.7   —   Status: Complete

Initialization of THD and it's vio/net initialization happens in the acceptor 
thread that accepts the connection. THD and network initialization involves
acquiring locks, memory allocation of various structures and system calls 
which are compute-bound as well tasks that may block. The acceptor thread
is basically a event loop that waits for new connection events from clients.
To maximize the number of connections that can be handled per unit of time,
the acceptor thread should spend as much of it's time listening for new 
connections. This means that the thd initialization should be offloaded
from the accept event loop and delegated to worker threads that handle the
client connections.
This worklog should evolve a generic framework which offloads THD initialization
and net/vio initialization to worker for all types of communication channels
(shared memory, named pipes and sockets) that client connects with the server.
In addition, this worklog will refactor the existing interfaces of the struct
scheduler_functions into an object-oriented API and refactor necessary relevant
code that concerns it.

User Documentation


Clients connect to the mysql server using TCP/IP, shared memory and named pipes.
Shared memory and named pipes are available on windows non-embedded servers.
TCP/IP, shared memory and named pipes represents different types of
communication channel that client uses to connect to the server. In the current
server instance, acceptor thread is spawned and this thread listens for
connections from the clients. As soon as a connection arrives, THD object is
instantiated and intialized. The THD class contains various types of information
that pertain to the connection state, thread state and sql state and various
other globals including NET structure. THD inherits from classes MDL_context,
Statement and Open_tables_state. The THD class contains a member variable NET
struct that abstracts out the various client communication mechanisms. The NET
struct contains a member variable vio which points to a struct that contains
function pointers for various I/O depending on the type of channel (TCP/IP,
Shared Memory and Named Pipes). Initialiazing the vio member of NET structure
involve allocating a new vio struct using UNIX library call malloc and
initializing various member variables that constitutes it. Given the above, THD
instantiation and initialization of various component members becomes a task
that is time consuming and compute bound and is a bottleneck that limits the
connection throughput of the mysqld server.

Once the THD instantiation and intialization is completed, add connection
callback of appropriate type of connection handler (scheduler) is called. The
connection handlers in mysql server to handle connections from clients are of
three types:
One thread connection handler: - The client connection is handled in the same
thread that received the connection. This type of conncection handler is being
used for debugging purposes.
Thread per connection handler: - Each client connection is being handled in a
separate thread. This is the default connection that is used in open source mysql. 
Thread Pool connection handler: - This handler which is available in the
enterprise edition of mysql server uses dynamic pool of threads to manage the
client connections. The disadvantage with the one thread per connection
scheduler is when large number of simultaneous connections are being made, the
system will spend most of it’s time in context switching. This limitation is
overcome by the thread pool scheduler.

The type of connection handlers to use at runtime can be specified by the use of
mysqld option thread_handling and the valid values this option takes are
no-threads, one-thread-per-connection and dynamically-loaded (the last one
relates to the thread pool scheduler which can be loaded as a dynamic plugin by
specifying the path to the .so file using –plugin-load option). The add
connection callback of the thread per connection connection handler is
responsible for creating a worker thread and passing the THD object to the
thread start function which handles the client connection. In case if there are
idle worker threads that are cached by the thread cache subsystem, the THD
object is pushed on to a FIFO queue of waiting THDs and an idle thread is woken
up to pick the THD from the queue and handle the client connection (instead of
creating a new worker thread in the callback add connection). Once all of this
is done, the acceptor loops back and waits for a new connection to arrive. The
amount of time before the acceptor tries to come back and handle another
connection should be as minimal as possible for the server to improve its
connection throughput (the number of connections per unit of time).  
All connection handlers implement a set of functions that are used as callbacks
from various points in the code and these functions are registered as function
pointers with the struct scheduler_functions and the definition of this
structure is:
struct scheduler_functions
	uint max_threads;
	bool (*init)(void);
	bool (*init_new_connection_thread)(void);
	void (*add_connection)(THD* thd);
	void (*thd_wait_begin)(THD* thd, int wait_type);
	void (*thd_wait_end)(THD* thd);
	void (*post_kill_notification)(THD* thd);
   bool (*end_thread)(THD* thd, bool cache_thread);
	void (*end)(void);

The various fields of the above struct are:
max_threads:- This indicates the max number of threads that can be spawned. This
is used with respect to the thread per connection handler (which indicates max.
number of connections) and thread pool connection handler. (As such during
refactoring as proposed in the design, it won’t be part of the base connection
handler class. This will be used only in the thread pool scheduler and thread
per connection scheduler accordingly.)
init: - The init handler is currently registered by the thread pool handler and
it initializes and sets up the thread pool connection handler.
init_new_connection_thread:- This callback is registered by all the connection
handlers and is used to initialize thread specific session parameters. Since
there is no variation of this method specific to each connection handler and
this is something to thread related setup, the plan would be to remove this
method as part of the connection handler class that is to be introduced.
add_connection:- It is the main callback that is registered by the various
connection handlers and it provides the main functionality of what the
connection handler does.
thd_wait_begin:- This is a callback that is implemented by the thread pool
connection handler. When some parts of the mysql server code is going into a
wait state (such as I/O that may block), they call this callback to inform the
thread pool connection handler.
thd_wait_end:- Once the wait (such as from an I/O block, sleep, timeout etc) is
over, this callback is called. This callback is also implemented by the thread
pool scheduler.
post_kill_notification:- Once kill connection has been done,
post_kill_notification callback is called. This callback is used to ensure that
a thread kill has been notified.
[In the new design, since the above three functions are not per say related to
connection handling functionalities and rather than specific events [start of a
wait state, end of a wait state and post kill   that certain connection handlers
(like thread pool scheduler are interested), they would be removed from
Connection_handler (see Design section) class. This functions need to be called
from C file like mysys and have C linkage interface and external programs may
use this, current functionality for the above three interfaces would be provided
via function pointers.]
end_thread:- This is used to release a connection (which involve deallocating
THD and release of other structures and cache the thread in thread cache if we
use thread per connection handler.) 
end: - This is used to deinitialize and end a connection handler. This callback
is currently being used by the thread pool connection handler.
(NOTE: The scheduler interface is exposed as a C API service (in file
include/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h and includes struct scheduler_function)
and exposes APIs which are only used by the thread pool plugin scheduler. The
plan would be to convert the service provided by this into C++ API and expose it
with the refactoring changes and bump up the service version number accordingly.)
The sequence flows pertaining to the connection accept and subsequent thd
instantiation and initialization and dispatching the client connection to be
handled by a worker thread for TCP/IP socket with reference to the existing
server code is provided the attachment Design Document.Doc with this worklog.
The goal of this worklog is two-fold. The worklog will refactor the initial
connection handling code paths and connection handler (scheduler) interfaces
into an object-oriented API. The other goal is to avoid thd and vio/net
instantiation & initialization in the acceptor thread and offload this phase to
worker threads (one thread per connection handler). (Each type of scheduler
implementations would be moved into separate files including platform specific
implementations as well and this would/may require cmake modification and avoid
most of #ifdef definitions in the code as well.) Please refer the Design
Document.Doc for the overall class diagram.
The overall design will have a Connection_handler base class that will have the
virtual functions init, deinit, add_connection and remove_connection. The
different types of connections handlers that we have would be abstracted by the
classes One_thread_connection_handler, Per_thread_connection_handler and
Thread_pool_connection_handler. These classes inherit from the
Connection_handler base class and implement the pure virtual function
add_connection and remove_connection and override default implementation of the
init and deinit methods.
	A singleton class Connection_handler_mgr is introduced whose provides an API to
set the connection handler (which would be done at the time of mysqld startup
sequence) and provide an API to get the current connection handler. The
Connection_handler_mgr class also provides generic connection related API like
checking if number has exceeded the connection limits. Access to connection
handler is hidden behind this manager class because it provides for decoupling
and extensibility of the code and this provides in ease in handling thread pool
connection handler which comes into existence after plugin initialization
(changing the current existing connection handler)(In future this provides for
an extensibility to implement scenarious like multiple connection handlers
serving on different ports etc. with minimal code changes etc.) The data model
and design detail of this classes and their use in different scenarios/sequences
would be discussed in detail in the design detail section of this document.
In terms of offloading the thd initialization/vio&net instantiation, there
should be minimal stub information which is required to be passed to a worker
thread for instantiating & initializing a thd object. The stub information
includes the client connection descriptor that varies across different types of
channel (TCP/IP, Shared Memory and Named Pipes). The thd creation and
initialization and especially the creation of NET struct in it is specific to
each type of channel. Whenever any failure occurs, minimal error information
needs to be propagated and the client connection needs to be aborted which means
the channel needs to be closed or shutdown. Error propagation can occur very
early in the connection phase which will result in a connection being aborted.
This calls for defining a Channel_info interface class which has pure virtual
functions create_thd and shutdown_channel. The classes Channel_info_socket,
Channel_info_shared_mem and Channel_info_named_pipe which implements the
Channel_info interface is created. This has state information pertaining to each
type of client that communicated with the mysql. Please refer the design doc
attached for the class diagram of the Channel_info hierarchy.
With the new framework, the acceptor thread instantiates an object that
implements the interface Channel_info and passes this to the add connection
callback which subsequently gets passed to the start routine of the worker
thread. The worker thread needs to use the interface function create_thd of the
passed object and in the case of error it can call shutdown_channel to close the
type of channel. It is to be noted that Channel_info instance would be created
in the acceptor thread and the worker threads will take ownership of the
Channel_info instance and is responsible for freeing up this memory once it
instantiates the THD object based on the information contained in the
Channel_info object.

Data Model
The detailed class hierarchy is attached in the design doc. and the internal
details of the class hierarchy are as described below:
Connection_handler class
The Connection_handler class represents an abstract base class from which
different types of connection handlers inherit and implement the pure virtual
functions. Its definition is as follows:
class Connection_handler
	virtual ~Connection_handler();
	virtual void init();
	virtual void add_connection(Channel_info* channel_info) = 0;
        virtual void release_connection(THD* thd) = 0;
	virtual void deinit();

The methods in it are:
init: - The Connection_handler_base class provides a default empty body
implemention for this method. The connection handlers
One_thread_connection_handler and Per_thread_connection_handler do not override
this default implementation and Thread_pool_connection_handler provides a
implementation of this method.  (In the current, the init function in
scheduler_functions struct is set to NULL for one thread connection and per
thread connection handler]. The thread pool connection handler will override
this virtual function and provide an implementation (thd_pool_init in the
current code.)
add_connection:- The add_connection method is a pure virtual function and all
the connection handlers implement this method. It does the core work that
distinguishes the different types of connection handlers. (It provides the
functionality provided by the add_connection function pointer member of the
struct scheduler_functions.)
release_connection:- This method is a pure virtual function and all the
connection handlers implement this interface. This method is responsible for
performing the functionality related to release of the connection which includes
deallocating connection specific structures like THD, decreasing connection
count, removing THD from global list etc.
deinit: - The Connection_handler base class provides a default empty body
implementation of this method. The connection handlers
One_thread_connection_handler and Per_thread_connection_handler do not override
this default implementation. Thread pool overrides this default
implementationOne_thread_connection_handler class
4.1.2 One_thread_connection_handler class
One_thread_connection handler class is responsible for implementing the
functionality that all connections are being handled in a single worker thread.
This is currently there in the code primarily for debugging purposes. Its class
definition is as follows:

class One_thread_connection_handler : public Connection_handler {
	One_thread_connection_handler(const One_thread_connection_handler&);
	One_thread_connection_handler& operator=(const  One_thread_connection_handler&);
	virtual void add_connection(Channel_info* channel_info);
	virtual void release_connection(THD* thd);

The various methods in it are:
add_connection:- The add_connection of one_thread_connection_handler class
instantiate a new THD based on Channel_info and starts the connection
authentication and subsequent query handling loop to handle queries from the
client. The setting of thread specific session variables and THD allocation can
fail and this method will send ER_OUT_OF_RESORUCES error and the connection
would be aborted.
release_connection:- The release connection method release the resources
associated with the THD object and decrement the connection count and remove the
THD from global list and delete thd object associated with it.
Also note that the assignment operator and the copy constructor have been
declared private to make this class non-copyable.
Per_thread_connection_handler class encapsulates the functionality of a thread
being created for every new connection that mysql server needs to handle. The
class definition for Per_thread_connection_handler is as below:

class Per_thread_connection_handler : public Connection_handler {
	uint m_max_thread;
	Per_thread_connection_handler(const Per_thread_connection_handler&);
	Per_thread_connection_handler& operator=  (Per_thread_connection_handler&);
	Per_thread_connection_handler(uint max_threads, bool use_thread_cache);
	virtual void add_connection(Channel_info* channel_info);
	virtual void release_connection(THD* thd);
The various member variables and methods in the Per_thread_connection_handler
class are:
m_max_threads:- This attribute of the Per_thread_connection_handler indicates
the max number of thread that would be spawned to handle the client connections.
Since in the Per_thread_connection_handler, there is 1:1 mapping between the
client connections and the threads, m_max_threads attribute indicate the maximum
number of connections that could be made and this value is got from the
max_connections argyument that is specified when mysqld is started.
add_connection:- The add_connection implement connection handling pertaining to
the Per_thread_connection handler class. If thread cache is available and there
are some idle worker threads, channel_info is queued on to a queue that is being
maintained by the thread cache and the thread cache will assign a worker thread
to service the client connection. The add_connection method can fail because of
the instantiation of Channel_info object in which the case the error
ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES would be sent to the client and the connection would be aborted.
release_connection:- This is responsible for releasing the connection. The
connection count is decremented and the THD object is destroyed. If the thread
cache is used (m_thread_cache pointer is not NULL), then the thread is returned
to idle pool maintained by the thread cache else the thread specific parameters
are reset and released and the thread dies.
The copy constructor and the assignment operator have been declared private
since this class has to be non copyable.

Thread_pool_handler class
Thread_pool_handler class provides the functionality of assigning a dynamic pool
of threads to manage the client connections. The class definition for
Thread_pool_handler class is as follows:

class Thread_pool_connection_handler : public Connection_handler {
	uint m_max_threads;
	Thread_pool_connection_handler(const Per_thread_connection_handler&);
	Thread_pool_connection_handler& operator=(Per_thread_connection_handler&);
	Thread_pool_connection_handler(uint max_threads);
	virtual void init();
	virtual void add_connection(Channel_info* channel_info);
	virtual void release_connection(THD* thd);

	virtual void deinit();
The member variables and various methods in it are:
m_max_threads:- It represents the maximum number of threads that the thread pool
is allowed to create. It is set to the maximum number of connections plus the
maximum of thread group size (which is 128) in the current code.
init: - The thread pool connection handler will redefine the empty body init
method provided by the Connection handler class. This method will have the same
semantics as thd_pool_init method which is initialized to the init callback of
struct thread_scheduler in the current implementation.This method initializes
the mutexes & condition variables of stall timer thread and of each thread group
and their member variables.and creates and starts the background monitoring thread. 
add_connection:- The add_connection method for the thread pool will have the
same semantics as the thd_pool_add_connection in the current code except that it
will take a Channel_info object. The thd creation and connection authentication
happens in the acceptor thread for this connection handler. The scope of current
worklog would be only offloading the THD instantiation initialization on to a
worker thread in case of Thread per connection handler and refactoring the
initial connection handling code. Based on previous who reviewed the thd
initialization too costly bug, it was decided if this will be addressed by a
future worklog given the complexities inherent in this approach to be handled by
a single worklog. The exact semantics of the current implementation would be
release_connection:- This function will have an empty method definition as
thread_pool scheduler does no specialized handling with respect to this callback
in struct thread_scheduler.
deinit: - This method is responsible for the deinitilization of the
initialization that was performed in the the init method. The background thread
and the various connection threads are waited for to gracefully terminate by
this method.

Connection_handler_mgr class
This is a singleton class that encapsulates the functionality to set a scheduler
and to get a handle to the current scheduler to be used. The class definition
for the Connection_handler_mgr class is as follows:

class Connection_handler_mgr
	static Connection_handler_mgr* m_instance;
        Connection_handler* m_connection_handler;
	bool check_and_incr_conn_count();

	Connection_handler_mgr(const Connection_handler_mgr&);
	Connection_handler_mgr& operator=(const Connection_handler_mgr&);
	static Connection_handler_mgr* get_instance();
	bool set_connection_handler(scheduler_types sched);
	Connection_handler* get_connection_handler();
	void process_new_connection(Channel_info* channel_info);
The various member variables and methods for the Connection_handler_mgr are:
m_instance:- This is a static member attribute that hold the only instance of
the connection handler manager object. (Note a simple singleton pattern would be
implemented since this will come into existence during the
initiliazation/startup sequence of mysqld.)
m_connection_handler:- This contains the current scheduler that is being used.
check_and_incr_conn_count:- This is a private method which is used by
process_new_connection API. This method checks to see if already max_connections
are being processed by the client in which case it return false to the caller
and the caller abort the incoming connection  sending  the following error code
ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR else it return true incrementing the connection count. This
method body is will be protected using the global LOCK_connection_count.
get_instance:- This is public interface that provides the access to call the
methods of the Connection_handler_mgr class.
set_connection_handler:- The set connection handler method is used to set the
current scheduler. It takes a scheduler type and creates an instance of the
scheduler and stores it in m_connection_handler 
attribute of the manager class. If connection handler instantiation fails, this
method return false else true.
get_connection_handler:- The get connection handler method is responsible
returning the pointer to the current scheduler instance that is to be used.
process_new_connection:- This is a utility API related to connection management
functionality. This calls the private method check_and_incr_conn_count to check
if this connection can be admitted. If not it calls the Channel_info specific
method send_error_and_abort_channel with the error code ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR. It
deletes the Channel_info and returns to the caller. In the non error, it calls
the current connection handler add_connection to start handling of the new
Connection_handler_callback struct
The design will decouple thd_wait_begin, thd_wait_end and post_kill_notification
function from struct scheduler_functions into a new struct
connection_handler_callback. The reason for this decoupling are these function
callbacks which when relate to notification of specific events like beginning of
wait event in mysqld code, end of wait event in mysqld, post nofitication of
kill connection to  components like the thread pool connection handler.  These
functionalities do not relate to the connection specific functionalities
provided by the connection handlers and only the Thread pool connection handler
components is interested to provide code for this callbacks to act on this
events.This C struct interface to this callbacks have been retained because this
APIs are required to be used in files like mysys.c which has c linkage and may
be used by external programs that compile with this libraries. The definition of
this struct is show below:

struct Connection_handler_callabck
	void (*thd_wait_begin) (THD* thd, int wait_type);
	void (*thd_wait_end) (THD* thd);
	void (*post_kill_notification) (THD* thd);

The semantics of the above function pointers are same as that which exists in
the current code and the thread pool connection will register these
functionalities and will not be described in detail in the scope of this document.
Channel_info interface class
The Channel_info is a interface class and hence has pure virtual function
create_thd and send_error_and_abort_channel.

class Channel_info
	virtual ~Channel_info();
	virtual THD* create_thd() = 0;
        virtual void send_error_and_close_channel(uint errorcode, bool
senderror=true) = 0;
The various interface functions provided by Channel_info class are:
create_thd:- This is a pure virtual function so all derived class which inherits
from Channel_info should implement this function. The method responsibility is
to instantiate a THD struct and initializes it based on the state information
contained for various types of channel like socket, pipe and shared memory. 
send_error_and_close_channel: - This is a pure virtual function which needs to
be defined by the various types of channel info implementations. This method
takes as argument an errorcode and a senderror flag whose default value is true
(in the default case of true, error would be sent to the client). The purpose of
this method is to send error back to the client (if senderror arg. is true) and
abort the channel for kind of errors like ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES,
ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD, ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR that occurs during the initial
connection handling path and then abort the channel. A THD struct may not be
necessary for error propagation since the THD goes out of scope when the
connection gets aborted. This method will tyy and instantiate a vio and init and
then create a NET struct (NET object on stack) and initialize it (instead of
creating a THD to avoid overhead of error paths) (if this fails error would be
logged to server log) and then use the low-level API (vio layer) to send error.
Once the error message is sent, depending on the type of channel, the channel
would be closed.
Channel_info_socket class
The Channel_info_socket class represents an abstraction for state information
pertaining to the TCP/IP mode of communication that client initiates with the
server. It implements the interface class Channel_info and it’s methods
create_net and send_error_and_abort_channel. 

class Channel_info_socket : public Channel_info {
	Channel_info_socket(MYSQL_SOCKET listen_socket,
                       MYSQL_SOCKET connect_socket, bool m_is_tcpip);
        virtual THD* create_thd();
        virtual void send_error_and_close_channel(uint errorcode,bool
	Vio* create_and_init_vio();

	MYSQL_SOCKET m_listen_sock;
        MYSQL_SOCKET m_connect_sock;
        bool m_is_tcpip;

The various attributes and methods make up the Channel_info_socket class are:
m_listen_sock: - This attribute indicate the listen socket descriptor that is
encapsulated in MYSQL_SOCKET
m_connect_sock:- This attribute indicate the connect socket descriptor of the
client that is wrapped in MYSQL_SOCKET.
m_is_tcpip: It is bool flag with value true if the descriptors belong to TCP/IP
else false which indicates UNIX local sockets.
create_and_init_vio:- This method instantiates a Vio and initializes the vio
struct for the socket channel based on the attribute information stored in
member variables. Vio instantiation can fail and in which case only an error
logging could be done and the connection error count would be incremented and
the caller of this method will be responsible to abort the connection. This is a
private method which will be used by the public methods create_thd and
create_thd: This instantiate a new THD object and initialize the NET field of
the object with the vio and other related values. The THD instantiation and
vio/net instantiation could possibly fail and the method will return NULL to the
send_error_and_close_channel: - This method will take errorcode and create and
init a vio struct and then initialize NET struct and then send an error to the
client using the NET low-level API for sending an error and the channel would be
aborted. In case if the senderror is false, then socket channel shall be closed.
4.1.9 Channel_info_shared_mem
The Channel_info_shared_mem class represents an abstraction for the state
information pertaining to the shared memory channel of communication (which is
used in windows).The related class definitions and the related structures are:

class Channel_info_shared_mem : public Channel_info
	Channel_info_shared_mem(HANDLE handle_client_file_map,char*              
handle_client_map, HANDLE event_server_wrote, HANDLE event_client_wrote, HANDLE
event_client_read, HANDLE event_conn_closed);
   virtual THD* create_thd();
   virtual void send_error_and_close_channel(uint errorcode);
        Vio* create_and_init_vio();
	HANDLE m_handle_client_file_map;
	char*  m_handle_client_map;
	HANDLE m_event_server_wrote;
	HANDLE m_event_server_read;
	HANDLE m_event_client_wrote;
	HANDLE m_event_client_read;
        HANDLE m_event_conn_closed;
The various attributes and methods make up the Channel_info_socket class are:
m_handle_client_file_map: - This attribute hold the handle to the shared memory
file mapping object for the client that connected.
m_handle_client_map:- This attribute hold the handle of the view of the file in
the process address space.
m_event_server_wrote:- It is a handle to the event object to signal the event
server has written data.
m_event_server_read:- It is a handle to the event object to signal the event
server has read data.
m_event_client_read:- It is a handle to the event object to signal the event
client has data to be received.
m_event_client_wrote:- :- It is a handle to the event object to signal the event
client has data to be written.
m_event_conn_closed:- It is a handle to the event object to signal the event
connection has been closed.
create_and_init_vio:- This method instantiates a Vio and initializes the vio
struct for the shared memory channel based on the attribute information stored
in member variables. Vio instantiation can fail and in which case only an error
logging could be done and the connection error count would be incremented and
the caller of this method will be responsible to abort the connection. This is a
private method which will be used by the public methods create_thd and
create_thd:- This instantiate a new THD object and initialize the NET field of
the object with the vio and other related values. The THD instantiation and
vio/net instantiation could possibly fail and the method will return NULL to the
send_error_and_close_channel:- This method will take errorcode and create and
init a vio struct and then initialize NET struct and then send an error to the
client using the NET low-level API for sending an error and the channel would be
aborted. In case if the senderror is false, then shared memory channel shall be
Channel_info_named_pipe class
The Channel_info_named_pipe class represents an abstraction for the state
information pertaining to the named pipe mode of communication which is used
with windows mysqld server. The related class definitions are:

class Channel_info_named_pipe : public Channel_info {
	Channel_info_pipe(HANDLE handle);
	virtual THD* create_thd();
	virtual void send_error_and_close_channel(uint errorcode);
	Vio* create_and_init_vio();
	HANDLE m_handle;
The various attributes and methods make up the Channel_info_named_pipe class are:
m_handle: - This attribute holds a handle to the pipe channel.
create_and_init_vio:- It creates vio and initializes the vio struct for the pipe
create_thd:- This instantiates a THD and initialize the NET struct field of THD.
It uses the private method create_and_init_vio to create and initialize a vio.
The instantiation of THD struct could fail and the vio struct could also fail in
which case we return NULL to the caller of the method.
send_error_and_close_channel:- This method will take errorcode and create and
init a vio struct and then initialize NET struct and then send an error to the
client using the NET low-level API for sending an error and the channel would be
aborted. In case if the senderror is false, then pipe channel shall be closed..