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File metadata and controls

149 lines (88 loc) · 4.5 KB

##Installation for Windows

Installing Lua

First, download and install Lua for Windows. You can get it from:

Copy the files in the src directory of this repository to C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/lua/.

You will also need the LuaSec's ssl library, which is included in this ZIP:

Unzip it and copy the ssl.dll file in the bin\clibs directory of the archive to C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/clibs/.

Copy the ssl.lua file and the ssl subdir in the lualibs directory to C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/lua/.

Alternatively, you may want to try to install it via luarocks:

luarocks install LuaSec

###Installation for Apache 2

Download Apache 2.4 according to your Windows version:

Windows 7, 8/8.1, Vista, Server 2008, Server 2012 -

Windows XP -

Unzip the package (eg: to C:\Apache24\.

Copy the files in the src/sailor/blank-app directory of this repository to C:/Apache24/htdocs/sailor/.

####Configuring mod_lua

Edit \conf\httpd.conf and uncomment the following line to enable mod_lua:

LoadModule lua_module modules/

Change the DirectoryIndex directive to:

DirectoryIndex index.lua index.html

Add the SetHandler directive:

<FilesMatch "\.lua$">
  SetHandler lua-script

Optionally, tweak mod_lua for high performance:

LuaScope thread
LuaCodeCache stat

Add the LuaPackage* directives:

<IfModule lua_module>
 LuaPackageCPath "C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/clibs/?.dll"
 LuaPackagePath "C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/lua/?.lua"
 LuaPackagePath "C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/lua/?/init.lua"
 LuaPackagePath "C:/Apache24/htdocs/sailor/?.lua"
 LuaPackagePath "C:/Apache24/htdocs/sailor/?/init.lua"

####Alternative Installation with mod_plua

Download mod_plua from

Install and configure it as explained at

####Alternative Installation with CGILua



Run bin\httpd.exe in the Apache24 directory.

Now go to http://localhost/sailor/?r=main in your browser. You should see the default Sailor page.

###Installation for Nginx

Download the latest Nginx version from:

If you've not done it yet, you may need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Setup:

Unzip the nginx ZIP to a directory of your choice.

Copy the lua5.1.dll and lua51.dll files from C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/ to the root of the nginx directory, replacing lua51.dll from the original package.

Copy the files in the src/sailor/blank-app directory of this repository to the html/sailor directory of the nginx dir.

####Configuring Nginx

Rename the conf\nginx-win.conf file to nginx.conf.

Open the nginx.conf file and add to the http block:

lua_package_path 'C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/lua/?.lua;html/sailor/?.lua;';
lua_package_cpath 'C:/Program Files/Lua/5.1/clibs/?.dll;';

You must also add to the server block:

location ~ ^/sailor/(.+) {
    lua_need_request_body on;
    lua_code_cache off;
    content_by_lua_file html/sailor/$1;
    index  index.lua index.lp;
location ~* ^.+\.(?:css|eot|js|json|png|svg|ttf|woff)$ { }


Now run nginx.exe and go to http://localhost/sailor/index.lua?r=main in your browser.

###Installation for Lighttpd

Download the latest Lighttpd from:

Unzip the Lighttpd ZIP to a directory of your choice.

Copy the files in the src/sailor/blank-app directory of this repository to the htdocs/sailor directory of the Lighttpd dir.

####Configuring Lighttpd

Open the conf\lighttpd.conf file, uncomment mod_magnet in server.modules, and add the following lines right after index-file.names:

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/sailor/index.lua" {                    
    magnet.attract-physical-path-to = ( server_root + "/htdocs/sailor/index-magnet.lua")
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/sailor/(conf|controllers|models|runtime|views)/" {                
    url.access-deny = ("")
    dir-listing.activate = "disable" 
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/sailor/themes/" {                
    url.access-deny = (".lp")
    dir-listing.activate = "disable" 


Now run LightTPD.exe and go to http://localhost/sailor/index.lua?r=main in your browser.