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It is kind of sad that this wonderful framework, from total awesomeness, came to this situation where I am not sure what will future bring and should I make my projects in Meteor.

Meteor started with huge advantage, it is auto reloading, it has data layer that is very simple to use, it syncs across clients. On top of that, you can package mobile apps with it.

One thing I really loved is Velocity, testing runner that would display a dot in the corner of the screen, it would run a testsuite, and if it turns red, you can click and learn what test failed.

I was hoping it will be more awesomeness, instead, they eliminated Velocity, testing is not clear cut, db layer that needed most attention is not getting enough, whole focus is on frontend.

React is awesome and adding it, it really brings a lot to Meteor, but I think Blaze was good enough.

Anyhow, now I am Elixir/Phoenix dev, don't feel the same pain I did before, but any positive news from Meteor would be very much welcome.

Phoenix is the only other thing that really appeals to me as something I want to try that is fun. That was the great thing about Meteor, it got a lot of shit done, and it was fun. That's important.

What do you do to hook into Elixir? What's your tech-stack for the other side of the back-end?

I was looking into phoenix/elxir generating GraphQL but that seems pretty immature and at least a year out to be comparable with Minimongo/ddp.

I just use Phoenix/Elixir. I can wire it with React, but honestly I am starting to question this. Only if I really need React, I will actually use it. So far I work on simpler stuff, api's and smaller apps.

Yeah that's the thing though. Meteor made the front end trivial. That's a vital piece to the whole pie.

Oh well, I guess we'll see how the next year goes.

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