iOS 进度条:CMSteppedProgressBar

cm54 9年前

CMSteppedProgressBar 是一个定制化的,按步数前进的进度条,你可以改变进度条的颜色,动画时长,动画选项,步数的数量大小,进度点和进度线的大小。

iOS 进度条:CMSteppedProgressBar

CMSteppedProgressBar Properties:
/// set nbSteps in last because it will create all views, so if you want a custom design customize before setting the number of steps  @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger nbSteps;  /// set manually the currentStep or use stepNext/stepPrev  @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger currentStep;  /// change the line height between the dots, default is 5  @property (nonatomic) CGFloat linesHeight;  /// change the width of the dots, default is 20  @property (nonatomic) CGFloat dotsWidth;  /// anim duration, default is 0.6f  @property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval animDuration;  /// anim type, default is curve ease in  @property (nonatomic) UIViewAnimationOptions animOption;  /// change the color of the bar when not filled, gray by default  @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor* barColor;  /// change the color of the bar when it's filled, white by default  @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor* tintColor;
