编程语言:Prolog(PROgramming LOGic)

jopen 9年前

Prolog是一种逻辑编程语言。它建立在逻辑学的理论基础之上, 最初被运用于自然语言等研究领域。现已广泛的应用在人工智能的研究中,可以用来建造专家系统、自然语言理解、智能知识库等。

Prolog is a rich collection of data structures in the language and human reasoning, and a powerful notation for encoding end-user applications. It has its logical and declarative aspects, interpretive natur, compactness, and inherent modularity.

  • Intelligent Systems - programs which perform useful tasks by utilizing artificaial intelligence techniques.
  • Expert Systems - intelligent systems which reproduce decision-making at the level of a human expert.
  • Natural Language Systems - which can analys and respond to statements made in ordinary language as opposed to approved keywords or menu selections.
  • Relational Database Systems
