
jopen 9年前

jesque 是 Resque 的Java语言实现版。


Jesque 是一个 Maven 项目,依赖于 Jedis 来连接到 RedisJackson 来操作 JSON 和使用 SLF4J 记录日志。
// Configuration  final Config config = new ConfigBuilder().build();    // Add a job to the queue  final Job job = new Job("TestAction",       new Object[]{ 1, 2.3, true, "test", Arrays.asList("inner", 4.5)});  final Client client = new ClientImpl(config);  client.enqueue("foo", job);  client.end();    // Add a job to the delayed queue  final Job job = new Job("TestAction",       new Object[]{ 1, 2.3, true, "test", Arrays.asList("inner", 4.5)});    final long delay = 10; // in seconds  final long future = System.currentTimeMillis() + (delay * 1000); // timestamp    final Client client = new ClientImpl(config);  client.delayedEnqueue("fooDelay", job, future);  client.end();    // Start a worker to run jobs from the queue  final Worker worker = new WorkerImpl(config,       Arrays.asList("foo"), new MapBasedJobFactory(map(entry("TestAction", TestAction.class))));  final Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker);  workerThread.start();    // Wait a few secs then shutdown  try { Thread.sleep((delay * 1000) + 5000); } catch (Exception e){} // Give ourselves time to process  worker.end(true);  try { workerThread.join(); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
