开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

pythopen 9年前

Kaa 是高度灵活的开源的 IoT 平台,在物联网连接的基础上可以构建,管理和集成连接的软件。
开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

Kaa 提供一个标准的方法来集成和对连接的产品进行互操作。此外,Kaa 强大的后端功能能极大的加快产品的开发,允许供应商专注于他们产品独特的特性。

Kaa 支持多个平台,提供各种编程语言的 SDKs。

开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

100% open-source

The Kaa IoT Platform is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, the world’s most business-friendly open source license.

开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

Product integration

Kaa’s “data schema” definition language provides a universal level of abstraction to achieve cross-vendor product interoperability.

开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

Linear scalability

The Kaa server is architected to scale linearly with the simple addition of nodes to the cluster.

开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

Multi-platform support

Kaa supports multiple client platforms by offering endpoint SDKs in various programming languages.

开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

Smart resource utilization

Kaa features logic for on-the-go load re-balancing, based on real-time service demands, SLAs, node availability, load, and performance.

开源 IoT 平台:Kaa

Fault tolerance

To ensure high availability, Kaa servers offer fault tolerance and redundancy, where server failure detection and workload rerouting is automatic.

Kaa 主要特性:

  • 事件系统,发现设备的高级功能

  • 日志收集

  • 配置和分组

  • 发送提醒

  • 数据分布式管理

  • Transport abstraction

  • 支持个商业条目和多个应用配置
