Android语音合成器:eSpeak for Android

jopen 10年前

eSpeak for Android 是 eSpeak 的 Android 移植版本,支持 75 种语言和方言。

  1. Fixes crashes on Android 4.3;
  2. Speech rate and pitch are correctly handled, so eSpeak on Android sounds like it does on the desktop;
  3. Speech rate is set as words per minute;
  4. Pitch, base pitch and volume are configurable as percentages;
  5. The eSpeak variant can be selected, including the NVDA voice variants;
  6. Punctuation level and punctuation characters are configurable;
  7. Languages are correctly selected (e.g. selecting Slovak and Slovenian, or selecting Cantonese Chinese);
  8. Language names are correctly displayed (e.g. “Scottish English” is displayed as “English (United Kingdom, Scottish Standard English)”);
  9. Accent and special characters are supported;
  10. MIPS-based devices are supported;
  11. Various memory leaks and crashes are fixed;
  12. SSML is only processed if the SSML markup is wrapped in a <speak> tag;
  13. Support for importing custom-built eSpeak dictionaries.

eSpeak是一个紧凑的开放源码软件的语音合成器为英语和其他语言,为Linux和Windows 。

eSpeak生产高质量的英语演讲。 它使用了不同的合成方法从其他开源语音合成引擎,和声音完全不同。 这也许不是作为自然人或“平稳” ,但我觉得发音更清晰,更容易听很长时间。
