jopen 12年前

Simple XMLRPC 是 一个 PHP 语言对 XML-RPC 协议的封装。下面是一个使用示例:

<?php  require_once ('simpleXMLRPCClient.class.php');    $server_path     = '/simplexmlrpc/index.php';  $server_hostname = 'localhost';  $sendHTTPS       = 0;  $serverPort      = NULL;      $xmlrpc = new SimpleXMLRPCClient ();  $xmlrpc->debug = 0;  $xmlrpc->SetXMLRPCServer ($server_hostname, $server_path, $serverPort, $sendHTTPS);    # Array that we want to send  $arrayOfStructs = Array ( Array ('curly' => 3),                            Array ('curly' => 2)                          );    # Create the XMLRPC message with the methodName  $xmlrpc->CreateXMLRPCMessage ('validator1.arrayOfStructsTest');    # Now we simply add the array we want to send with the message  $xmlrpc->AddArray ($arrayOfStructs);    # And now we send it and we get back an array  $array = $xmlrpc->SendXMLRPC ();    # print out the returned array  print_r ($array);    ?> 
