企业服务总线 Apache Synapse Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

fmms 12年前
     Apache Synapse 是一个简单、轻量级的高性能企业服务总线 (ESB),它是在 Apache Software Foundation 的 Apache License Version 2.0 下发布的。使用 Apache Synapse,您可以通过 HTTP、HTTPS、Java™ Message Service (JMS)、简单邮件传输协议 (SMTP)、邮局协议版本 3 (POP3)、FTP、文件系统和许多其他传输介质筛选、转换、路由、操作和监视经过大型企业系统的 SOAP、二进制文件、XML 和纯文本消息。但是对于单个开发人员来说,ESB 产品在您的日常生活中有何作用呢?简化的配置、即时可用的功能集、可扩展的体系结构和小巧的脚本使得它成为一个强大的多用途工具,您可以利用它完成各种任务。    <br />    <br />    <h3>主要特性:</h3>    <ul>     <li>Proxy services - facilitating transport, interface (WSDL/Schema/Policy), message format (SOAP 1.1/1.2, POX/REST, Text, Binary), QoS (WS-Addressing/WS-Security/WS-RM) and optimization switching (MTOM/SwA)</li>     <li>Non-blocking HTTP/S transports for fast HTTP interactions and support for thousands of concurrent connections</li>     <li>VFS transport for file manipulation and interaction with FTP, SFTP, CIFS and WEBDAV</li>     <li>JMS support for binary, plain text, XML and SOAP payloads</li>     <li>Mail transport with extensive support for POP3, IMAP and SMTP</li>     <li>Support for industry driven <a class="externalLink" href="/misc/goto?guid=4959500958033156035">Financial Information eXchange (FIX)</a> protocol</li>     <li>Built-in Registry/Repository, facilitating dynamic reloading of the configuration and associated resources (e.g. XSLTs, XSD, JS, ..)</li>     <li>Built-in support for scheduling tasks using the <a class="externalLink" href="/misc/goto?guid=4959500958128059717">Quartz</a> scheduler</li>     <li>Load-balancing (with or without sticky sessions) and fail-over routing</li>     <li>Support for many Web Services standards including WS-Addressing, WS-Security and WS-Reliable Messaging</li>     <li>Policy based message throttling and caching (with special support for clustered environments)</li>     <li>Message splitting and aggregation</li>     <li>Database lookup and update support with database connection pooling</li>     <li>Fine grained statistics collection over sequences, endpoints and proxy services</li>     <li>JMX monitoring and management</li>     <li>Easily extendable with Java, Spring, or BSF Scripting languages (Javascript, Ruby, Groovy, etc.)</li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>